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Advanced signalling and automation system - Completion of activities for enhanced automation systems, train integrity, traffic management evolution and smart object controllers

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - X2Rail-4 (Advanced signalling and automation system - Completion of activities for enhanced automation systems, train integrity, traffic management evolution and smart object controllers)

Reporting period: 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31

X2Rail-4 is the 4th project of the Shift2Rail members in the IP2 “Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems” . It continues the research and development of key technologies within TD2.2 Railway network capacity increase (ATO up to GoA4), TD2.5 On-Board Train Integrity, TD2.9 Traffic Management System evolution and TD2.10 Smart radio-connected all-in-all wayside objects.
The actions done in X2Rail-4 are based on the results of the X2Rail-1, X2Rail-2 and X2Rail-3 projects.
The results of X2Rail-4 will be real demonstrators with a TRL level up to 7.
Main results achieved so far for ATO:
- GoA2 specifications prepared in the frame of WP3 have entered the CCS TSI.
- In WP4 ““ATO up to GoA4” Development”, the testing configurations have been defined. The work on the prototypes and the test benches has started.
- WP5 ““ATO up to GoA4” Tests” is continuing the work on the ATO up to GoA4 specification and is preparing the tests both in lab and on-site (definition of test cases, test architecture and environment,…).
Main results achieved so far for OTI:
- WP7 “On-Board Train Integrity has been completed in December 2022.
The following tasks have been executed successfully:
- Finalisation of laboratory testing for the three demonstrators,
- Onboard installation and onfield testing of the three demonstrators
- OTI performance analysis of the three product classes using stochastic timed automata and statistical model checking in UPPAAL
- OTI performance analysis of product class 2 demonstrator is RANSS simulator
- Functional testing of OTI, implemented in RailSite Laboratory, in RailDrive validation environment
- Finalisation of the safety analysis of the three product classes of OTI and train length determination
- Safety analysis of the OTI and train length for DAC use case
- Migration strategies for OTI technology with an optimization model to plan the on-board installation in a selected railway network for a complete fleet of trains.
- Preliminary safety assessment of the three demonstrators
- Standardisation proposal
WP7 deliverables are D7.1 “Demonstration and Assessment”, D7.2 “OTI Technology Migration” and D7.3 “Standardization Proposal”.

Main results achieved so far for TMS:
- In WP8 “TMS Services”:
o The “Use cases for advanced TMS principles” have been finalized and a functional specification for TMS has been developed for the selected use cases (D8.1 “Functional Specification of Processes”).
o The work on the “Automated conflict handling solution” has also been completed (D8.2 “FRS of a conflict handling solution”).
o The work on the large scale optimisation methods is nearly completed.
o A promising method for non-intrusive assessment of workload and situation awareness has been developed. The evaluation and development of the non-intrusive instruments to use as well as the toolbox have been successfully done and the simulations have shown that they are effective.
- In WP10 “TMS Demonstrators TRL6”, the TRL6 demonstrators have been successfully developed and tested. In addition, a large-scale test campaign has been executed. The test campaign focused on the Data exchange between the new applications developed from three partners and validated the concept of the Integration Layer combined with an interoperable Data Model as a central Data Management Network solution.

Main results achieved so far for SWOC:
Implementation of TRL6 demonstrators is on-going.

Dissemination papers and presentations have been prepared for several events like Shift2Rail Innovation Days 2022, ESREL 2022, WCRR 2022, ROADEF conference 2022, TRA2022 and SmartRacon Scientific Seminar 2022.
Automatic Train Operation (TD2.2 / WPs 3, 4 and 5): Consolidated Interoperable specifications for GoA2 (input for the CCS TSI 2022). Preparation of GoA3/4 specifications that will be followed by preparation of ATO GoA3/4 prototypes (up to TRL 6/7) development and testing. Development of ATO GoA2 test benches upgraded to GoA4 permitting to integrate prototypes from different suppliers. Development and testing of prototypes for “Obstacle detection” prototypes and “environment sensors”.
On-Board Train Integrity (TD2.5 / WPs 6 and 7): On-board Train Integrity system able to adapt to the various typologies of on-board physical infrastructures (Passengers and Freight trains with wired
and wireless communication). Tests performed on real environment for all the different classes of operation included validation phase up to TRL6/7.
Traffic Management Evolution (TD2.9 / WPs 8, 9 and 10): Improvement of traffic management operations with automated processes for data integration and exchange with other rail business services; development of new or optimized business functionalities. Enabling of seamless data exchange between services and integration of applications from different vendors through a Communication Infrastructure. Additional services for resource management to solve high availability issue. Reduction of life-cycle costs and enabling of new, intelligent functions for overall optimisation of the traffic process .Investigation of the application of deep learning algorithms to the railways and specifically to traffic management. Work on a common vision for the future of traffic management by working on a common set of use cases.
Smart Wayside Object Controllers (TD2.10 / WPs 11 and 12): Innovation comes mainly from two factors:
a) Use of affordable, alternative, local energy sources for controlling wayside objects in areas where nearby traditional energy sources (electricity delivered from distribution substations) are not available or not economically viable.
b) The use of wireless connection of object controllers to distant interlockings, maintenance systems, other object controllers or even other command or information sources, such as on-board computers.
This enables the use of object controllers in areas where wired networks have not been deployed and may also enable the distribution of safety logic among several object controllers, reducing the use of central interlockings in some cases.
The integrated approach of simultaneously developing Automatic Train Operation, On-board Train Integrity, Traffic Management Evolution and Smart Wayside Object Controllers will pave the way for radical new signalling and automation concepts.