Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CARBODIN (Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors)
Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-02-28
WS2 aimed at detecting early stage faults, so to apply the best maintenance approaches based on sensors. Furtermore, predictive maintenance, improving safety and reducing costs was validated using sensor systems and the processing models through experiments by Acoustic Emission technique. This proved to be a reliable monitoring technique. A simulated environment with accelerometer and gyroscope wireless sensors was used to simulate failing composites and thus provide fail detection. Finally, through Fibre Optic Sensors, CARBODIN tested a composite structure with small failures.
In WS3 the activities applied Machine Learning to Out of Autoclave process control with the aim to learn from data without the need to use complicated algorithms. CARBODIN focused on process automation concepts considering embedded sensors, their monitoring and on-line control for composite structures in railway applications and produced the manufacturing of parts of different complexity and a wide range of shapes and lengths with faster deposition rates.
WS4 focused on integration of joint and modular concepts. The work performed considered multi-material concepts, co-curing, and 3D printing technology to reduce manufacturing times, the number of steps in the post-processing, time to market and manufacturing costs.
Block 2: In WS5, the project validated the modular moulds with interchangeable head blocks or 3D-printed inserts developed in Block 1. 3D printing inserts in the moulds were used to make the manufacturing of the modular items faster. The system was succesfully validated.
In WS6, CARBODIN aims to improve the thermal and acoustic conditions in the vicinity of the door. The concept of Helmholtz-Resonator-Thermal-Layer, and the analysis indicated that the sound attenuation efficiency of a resonator matrix could be estimated above 40 dB.
In WS7, CARBODIN focused on boarding equipment improving train accessibility. A mock-up consisting in a gap bridge/ramp device has been produced and validated with open consultation. The system is able to detect the height and position of the platform, through the built-in sensors, the ramp automatically deploys without inputs required from the passengers.
In Block 3, CARBODIN developed modular and aesthetic interior designs and layouts. In WS8, CARBODIN developed modular floor, including how the floor will be fixed to the car body shell, what material will be used for the panels, how the panels can easily be plugged into the structure. In conclusion, CARBODIN did produce two full-size physical mock-ups of the modular floors, seen in figures 10 and 11.
CARBODIN also built a first software needed to generate different layouts for interiors using a hybrid desktop and VR Headset tool, known as Virtual Configurator. The solution is fully functional and has been designed with scalability and modularity in mind so that it is possible to implement new features like Real Time Global Illumination.
In WS9, CARBODIN studied modular moulds for interior components using infusion manufacturing process. Focusing on the door pillars, CARBODIN proposed modular tooling with interchangeable head blocks or 3D-printed inserts to find ways to lower production costs. The demonstrator validates this approach in side pillar panels.
In WS10, CARBODIN identified train drivers’ expectations about Human Machine Interface in future cabins. Through interviews to train drivers, CARBODIN identified pertinent solutions and possible new configurations considering human factors. The results will be used to select new technologies and new uses of the driver’s cabin.
In WS11, CARBODIN produced low voltage circuits embedded in composite panels able to provide electricity to the passenger lights and electronic device charging points. The system functionalities are the following: a standard plug-and-play connector and standard interconnectors. This design modularity will facilitate the versatility of the functionalities to be assembled and fabricated. In terms of weight reduction, the CARBODIN system is at least 18% lighter than the traditional Low Voltage Circuit, while the weight reduction of the panels manufactured through VIP is around 55%.
Following the main KPIs achieved that demonstrate the applicability and novelty of CARBOSIN proposed solutions
Modular tooling for manufacturing of composite parts and Structural health monitoring systems
• raw material cost saving is 28% and the manufacturing cost saving is 33 % with respect to the total cost in the moulds manufacturing.
• CARBODIN Project has sought to enhance the adoption of composites, leading to envision an effective manufacturing of lightweight structures and a high energy efficient railway sector.
• Wide adoption of composites in trains reduces transport energy consumption, enables trains to be considered as eco-friendly and sustainable and lowers CO2 emissions
• A rough estimation would be between 5% to 30% of increased overall positive impact by applying the SHM monitoring car-body’s composite parts.
Process automation&Process integrating joint concepts and modular concepts
• 30-60% manual labour reduction is expected for solutions
• resource efficiency of 15% in terms of materials and 30%-50% in terms of energy.
Solutions for thermal and noise reduction in the doors’ area
Plenned break-even point for the solution developed and tested is 3 years
Accessibility to passenger trains (ramps, thresholds, gap filler)
• include lowering time necessary for the autonomous entry of the PRM inside the train by up to 20%.
• increasing passengers’ comfort and reducing the train stopping time at the stations by up to 5%.
Modular interior’s concept
• reduction of 95,8% in the assembly time and to a reduction of in the 81,75% assembly cost.
Innovative driving cabin
Integrated low voltage circuits in panels
• Benefits are expected to affect, apart from the railway industry, also the automotive and aviation.
• Expected weight reduction directly impacts cost, performance, and carbon footprint or climate impact.