CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Report on ENIA-tool and its documentation
RRTNIS dose rate calculationsReport on calculations of the RRTNIS neutron and gamma dose rate maps for use in licensing application for UC1 field tests Report
Report on key EU, MS and WCO initiatives and technical documentationsReport on key initiatives and documentation relevant for ENTRANCE and defining key stakeholders and issues
Report on muon scattering imaging techniqueReport on muon scattering imaging as second-line NII technique for detection of contraband in high-density cargo including simulation and test results
CONOPS for Trans-European RPM NetworkReport on CONOPS with comprehensive documentation on the system characteristics.
Practitioners material for interview and assessment during field trialsReport on the material developed for the assessment of the UC1-UC3 field trials.
Final report on dissemination activitiesFinal report on project dissemination and communication activities including the ENTRANCE events.
NORM identification algorithms performance assessmentReport on developed NORM identification algorithms with comparison to ANSI standards performances.
Public website will provide information about the project publications news and events
Tiberinus, Axel
Published in:
CRBNE Research and Innovation Conference - 5th International conference nrbce research and innovation, 2022
Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe
C. de Sainte Foy, B. Pérot, C. Carasco, A. Sardet, S. Moretto, F. Pino, J. C. Alvarez, A. Iovene
Published in:
IEEE Conference Records of the 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Issue Yearly conference, 2024, Page(s) 7 pages
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