CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Syntax and semantics of the extended policy language taking into account the feedback of use cases, plus a complexity analysis pointing out the possible intractability of some reasoning tasks.
Citizen-centric use case scenarios - First versionDocument detailing the use cases and data sharing scenarios provided by TRAPEZE partners.
Integrated platform testing - Second versionThe results of the integrated platform testing will be documented and used to inform future releases of the platform
Security & Privacy Awareness and Competence Testing - First versionA report on the results of security and privacy awareness and competence testing with the different participant groups
TRAPEZE clustering and networking - Second versionReport on the TRAPEZE clustering and networking activities with a short assessment of the impact
Sticky Policies - First versionTamper-proof encoding and storage of the links between data and policies.
Roadmap for dissemination and communicationList of planned activities, their description, place, date and specific target audiences as well as the partners responsible
Usability and accessibility testing report - Second versionA report on the results of usability and accessibility testing with the different participant groups
Use case evaluation, user feedback, and lessons learnt - First versionReport on the pilot evaluations and user feedback along with methodological guidelines for future implementations
Report on IPR/Exploitation activities and planReport summarizing the results of the IPExploitation workshops
Usability and accessibility testing report - First versionA report on the results of usability and accessibility testing with the different participant groups
Security & Privacy Awareness and Competence Testing - Second versionA report on the results of security and privacy awareness and competence testing with the different participant groups
Privacy preferences and sociological aspects analysis - Second versionA report on the results of the survey on privacy preferences and sociological considerations in privacyenhancing solution design
Privacy preferences and sociological aspects analysis - First versionA report on the results of the survey on privacy preferences and sociological considerations in privacyenhancing solution design
Citizen-centric use case scenarios - Second versionDocument detailing the use cases and data sharing scenarios provided by TRAPEZE partners.
Security and Privacy Resilience Framework and Guidelines - Second versionThis document will include the requirements for and subsequent definition of the TRAPEZE security and privacy resilience framework as well as the guidelines for its application in relevant environments
Standardization activitiesReport on W3C standardization activities in terms of security and privacy vocabularies and taxonomies
Data Protection Requirements - Second versionThe Report includes a depiction of legal and technical data protection fundamentals and the derived requirements for the project and its use cases.
Integrated platform testing - First versionThe results of the integrated platform testing will be documented and used to inform future releases of the platform
Platform specification and design - Second versionReport on technical requirements and challenges T14 that arise in extending the SPECIAL concepts to cope with TRAPEZE requirements while ensuring scalability and security
Policy Language - Second versionSyntax and semantics of the extended policy language taking into account the feedback of use cases plus a complexity analysis pointing out the possible intractability of some reasoning tasks
Public penetration/hacking challenges - First versionDefinition of the activities to perform during the public penetration and hacking challenges and of the expected results Reporting of the results
TRAPEZE clustering and networking - First versionReport on the TRAPEZE clustering and networking activities with a short assessment of the impact
Collaboration with DPAs, CERTs, CSIRTsThe report provides information on input provided lessons learned and core outcomes of the meetings with DPAs and CERTsCSIRTs Depending on the requests of the collaboration partners the report may be supplemented by a confidential section
Engine scalability properties - First versionA report on the scalability tests applied to the compliance engines released in D24 and D29
Security and Privacy Resilience Framework and Guidelines - First versionThis document will include the requirements for and subsequent definition of the TRAPEZE security and privacy resilience framework, as well as the guidelines for its application in relevant environments.
Engine scalability properties - Second versionA report on the scalability tests applied to the compliance engines released in D24 and D29
Public penetration/hacking challenges - Second versionDefinition of the activities to perform during the public penetration and hacking challenges and of the expected results Reporting of the results
Platform specification and design - First versionReport on technical requirements and challenges (T1.4) that arise in extending the SPECIAL concepts to cope with TRAPEZE requirements while ensuring scalability and security.
Data Protection Requirements - First versionThe Report includes a depiction of legal and technical data protection fundamentals and the derived requirements for the project and its use cases.
Transparency and compliance checking algorithms - Second versionEfficient algorithms for compliance checking and explanations supporting the extended policy language described in D21
One-stop-shop for citizens and their security and privacy related questions, training, and incident reporting and recovery
Sticky Policies - Second versionTamper-proof encoding and storage of the links between data and policies.
TRAPEZE platform - Second versionIntegrated platform releases, with the initial one delivering early integration of the semantic blockchain layer and privacy dashboards and allowing an early evaluation of the developments in WPs 2, 3, and 4. The final release will deliver authentication and authorization, risk management and incident reporting, more mature components, and the first integration with the PDI.
Citizen-centric help desk - Second versionOne-stop-shop for citizens and their security and privacy related questions, training, and incident reporting and recovery
Dynamic consent mechanisms - First versionThis deliverable will provide an overview and implementations of different approaches to dynamic consent acquisition
Compliance and explanation engines - First versionSW release of the compliance engine with the features of the policy language (D2.1 and D2.6) and implementing the algorithms (D2.3 and D2.8).
Compliance and explanation engines - Second versionA report on the scalability tests applied to the compliance engines released in D2.4 and D2.9.
TRAPEZE Security and Data Protection knowledge base - First versionMultilingual knowledge base content RDF vocabularies and accompanying report
Privacy dashboards - Second versionThe first release of the privacy dashboards will deliver early policy control and transparency and compliance interfaces. This will be followed by risk management and incident reporting interfaces and overall more robust solutions based on the citizens’ feedback.
Dynamic consent mechanisms - Second versionThis deliverable will provide an overview and implementations of different approaches to dynamic consent acquisition.
TRAPEZE platform - First versionIntegrated platform releases with the initial one delivering early integration of the semantic blockchain layer and privacy dashboards and allowing an early evaluation of the developments in WPs 2 3 and 4 The final release will deliver authentication and authorization risk management and incident reporting more mature components and the first integration with the PDI
Securing citizens smart terminals and online communication - First versionDefinition of the citizen’s interactions with the platform via smart terminals, as well as identification and implementation of the protection mechanisms through KMS SDK. The reports will also clearly outline the features unique to TRAPEZE or common with the other projects (GEIGER and CitySCAPE)
TRAPEZE Security and Data Protection knowledge base - Second versionMultilingual knowledge base content, RDF vocabularies, and accompanying report.
Privacy dashboards - First versionThe first release of the privacy dashboards will deliver early policy control and transparency and compliance interfaces This will be followed by risk management and incident reporting interfaces and overall more robust solutions based on the citizens feedback
Transparency and compliance checking - First versionEfficient algorithms for compliance checking and explanations, supporting the extended policy language described in D2.1.
Securing citizens smart terminals and online communication - Second versionDefinition of the citizen’s interactions with the platform via smart terminals, as well as identification and implementation of the protection mechanisms through KMS SDK. The reports will also clearly outline the features unique to TRAPEZE or common with the other projects (GEIGER and CitySCAPE)
Project logo colours poster presentation and deliverable templates and guidelines on the usage for dissemination and communication along with a project website The poster will be updated in M24 with relevant developments and results
Project communication material - Second versionTRAPEZE project brochures leaflets and posters To be updated in M24 with relevant developments and results
Project communication material - First versionTRAPEZE project brochures, leaflets and posters. To be updated in M24 with relevant developments and results.
Project identity kit and web presence - First versionProject logo, colours, poster, presentation and deliverable templates, and guidelines on the usage for dissemination and communication, along with a project website. The poster will be updated in M24 with relevant developments and results.
Document detailing the implementation plans, integration activities, difficulties, and final results.
Use case implementation - First versionDocument detailing the implementation plans integration activities difficulties and final results
Piero A. Bonatti, Luigi Sauro
Published in:
Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Description Logics DL2021, 2021, ISSN 1613-0073
T. Eichinger and M. Ebermann
Published in:
IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS), 2022
Piero A. Bonatti, Luigi Sauro, Jonathan Langens
Published in:
{IEEE} European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, EuroS{\&}P 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 6-10, 2021, 2021, Page(s) 283--291, ISBN 978-1-6654-1012-0
Tobias Eichinger and Axel Küpper
Published in:
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN ’23), 2023, Page(s) 140-149, ISBN 9781450397964
Association for Computing Machinery
Piero A. Bonatti, Luigi Sauro
Published in:
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2022, Page(s) 73-80, ISBN 978-1-956792-01-0
IJCAI Organization
Raschke, P.; Herbke, P. and Schwerdtner, H.
Published in:
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, 2023, Page(s) 199-209, ISBN 978-989-758-624-8
Bonatti, Piero A.; Sauro, Luigi; Langens, Jonathan
Published in:
Issue 1, 2021
Piero A. Bonatti, Luca Ioffredo, Iliana M. Petrova, Luigi Sauro, Ida R. Siahaan,
Published in:
Artificial Intelligence, 2020, Page(s) Volume 289,, ISSN 0004-3702
Elsevier BV
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