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CORDIS - EU research results



Reporting period: 2022-10-01 to 2023-09-30

The challenging goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 has been set. This is not an easy commitment to reach for the cement or lime industry - responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions - as most of these emissions are unavoidable "process emissions".

Cement and lime provide vital services to our society, with essential products that are low cost and very efficiently produced. Since 1990, major efforts have been made to reduce emissions, including improvements to energy efficiency, use of alternative and waste fuels and clinker substitution. However, complete decarbonisation of this industrial sector is far harder than many others, as most CO2 emissions are released directly and unavoidably from the processing of the limestone. These “process emissions” are in addition to the CO2 released from the combustion of fuels used to power the process (representing around two-thirds of a plant’s total emissions, depending on the fuel used). To reach the corporate emissions reductions targets by 2050, these unavoidable process emissions must be addressed. The most effective means is to capture the CO2, and ensure that it does not reach the atmosphere. Called Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS), this general approach to decarbonisation has been used for decades in the hydrocarbon processing and recovery industries, further developed for the power sector. This will need to be applied to the majority of cement and lime plants due to those process emissions. Most carbon capture technologies require energy or chemicals to separate gases from gases, and are expensive.

Calix’s new LEILAC process of ‘indirect calcination’ focuses solely on the cement and lime sectors, ensuring that the relatively pure, unavoidable, CO2 released from the limestone itself in the precalciner is not contaminated by either air or flue gases.

The LEILAC2 project is scaling up this breakthrough technology, already proven conceptually in the LEILAC1 project. The LEILAC2 project will build a Demonstration plant, in a modular replicable design that is a 4 x scale up of the LEILAC 1 pilot. It aims to capture around 20percent of a typical plant’s emissions – around 100ktpa of CO2 - and will be developed on HeidelbergCement’s operational cement plant in Hannover, Germany.

The LEILAC2 consortium is led by technology provider Calix, and further comprises HeidelbergCement, CEMEX, Lhoist, Cimpor, IKN, CERTH, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Polimi, Engie Laborelec and Port of Rotterdam.

The project is also supported by GCCA, CEMBUREAU, ECRA, EuLA, GCCSI and the University of Clausthal as the External Advisory Board. This five-year project is funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (€16M, grant no. 884170), and some of the consortium members (€18M) including cash contributions towards the development of the demonstration plant and in-kind contribution for staff.
The LEILAC2 (Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement) project aims to develop an efficient and low-cost solution for the capture of process carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that are released unavoidably in the production of cement and lime. The novel Demonstration Plant is designed to be compatible with alternative and renewable fuels and to be installed at an operational cement plant with minimal downtime. Once developed, this modular design will be able to be replicated and applied at any scale.

To reduce the major scale-up risks for the Demonstration Plant, a number of research, modelling, design evaluation and enhancement studies were undertaken throughout the pre-Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) phase. A detailed Basis of Design (BoD) of the Demonstration Plant was created that fulfilled all project objectives.

Detailed modelling of the capital and operational expenditure required for the Demonstration Plant was undertaken as part of the pre-FEED study. This modelling indicated that, despite being a first-of-a-kind retrofit, LEILAC2 may separate process carbon dioxide emissions from the host cement plant for an additional operating cost of approximately €10 per tonne of CO2. This cost excludes the cost of compressing the captured carbon dioxide and the depreciation costs associated with the required capital expenditure. These costs are expected to be in the region of an additional €10-€15 per tonne of CO2, noting that compression costs can vary significantly depending on the requirements for transport and ultimate use or storage of the captured carbon dioxide.

Total costs of the first-of-a-kind LEILAC2 carbon capture plant may therefore be in the region of €20–25 per tonne of CO2. It is expected that future projects would further reduce operating costs through closer integration with the host plant. Increased insulation and the use of available heat streams, in addition to energy recovery from the captured carbon dioxide, are all identified as areas for potential efficiency gains.

The Basis of Design was assessed in March 2021 by an external Value Assurance Review panel of industry experts and reviewed and approved by the project’s Executive Board. It was then finally reviewed and approved by the project’s General Assembly.

The Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) study began in April 2021. This phase of the project continued a focus on reducing technical risks to ‘low’ and further optimising the engineering basis of design and its integration into the host plant. The FEED study was endorsed by the Executive Board, and subsequently the project’s General Assembly, resulting in a successful Final Investment Decision (Milestone 2) in March 2022. A value engineering phase further optimised the design and reduced the cost of the Demonstration Plant, with the revised basis of design approved by the Executive Board in September 2022.

Since then, a detailed design phase has focused on detailed engineering studies, plant engineering, developing the final process flow, and selection and specification of equipment. Engineering documents were prepared to support the permitting process and initial meetings with the local Hanover authorities undertaken. Procurement of long lead time items has commenced, and vendor discussions and the tender process is underway for engineering and supply packages. Construction planning is well advanced, supported by a Construction Manager engaged within the project.
Once proven the LEILAC2 Demonstration unit will have shown that the technology has taken its first move towards proving a scale-up approach that is modular and flexible – enabling the technology to be applied to capture all of a cement plant’s process emissions at any scale. This will significantly advance European industry, by enabling them to capture their unavoidable process emissions at low cost, effectively and at low-risk.

Despite being a capture technology, LEILAC is also being designed to be “fuel agnostic”, allowing industry to also use renewable energy – such as electricity, biomass, or hydrogen. Cement and lime are “hard to abate” sectors, responsible for 8percent of CO2 emissions globally. LEILAC aims to provide an approach that is cost-effective for industry and the society that it serves – and is designed to be globally applicable to meet our 2050 climate goals in the narrow window available.

For more information and updates please see the website
overview of the LEILAC process
The LEILAC1 pilot
Close up view of the LEILAC1 pilot plant