Periodic Reporting for period 1 - (Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions)
Reporting period: 2020-05-01 to 2021-10-31
O1: Identify, quantify, and evaluate different dimensions and indicators in human-geography, social, policy, environmental, and economic domains that characterise the emergence of SETPs in the form of fundamental changes in CCIRs
O2: Explore the key cumulative processes, capacities, and socio-structural forces in CCIRs that lead to positive or negative tipping points in energy transitions considering different regional challenges, opportunities and configurations.
O3: Co-develop socially acceptable regional future visions up to 2030 to support more durable governance arrangements and strategic goals for CCIRs in line with broader goals of the EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework,
O4: Identify critical tipping interventions and devise practical transformation strategies in specific CCIRs to potentially reach future visions and promote regional sustainability learning and awareness of positive tipping points in education, governance, and planning processes.
WP1: Demographic trends and challenges in gender, migration and youth.
WP2: Cultural trends and socio-psychological factors.
WP3: Policy and governance trends and challenges.
WP4: Economic trends and challenges.
WP5: Regional case studies
WP6: Stakeholder engagement, learning, dissemination and outreach
WP7: Integration, synthesis, policy visions and recommendations.
WP8: Management and Coordination
WP9: Ethics requirements
A relational interdisciplinary methodology has already been proposed for the identification and enactment of SETPs, based on the learnings gathered from two case studies in Indonesia and Bangladesh (see ). In the next period, we will have finalised all the +20 regional case studies and link them with an advanced interpretative theoretical framework. Of particular importance will be the identification of transformative capacities and enabling conditions for supporting the emergence of tipping points and cross-scale learning feedbacks contributing to SDGs Further methodological and modelling innovation is also expected regarding new approaches able to capture non-linearities, agent heterogeneity and multiple cross-scale learning feedbacks associated to the case studies. Closer engagement with our stakeholders is expected for further policy and community impact of our research, all depending on the pandemic evolution. An core aspect now being addressed in the project has to do also with exploring the practical and theoretical notion and implications of justice in CCIRs transitions, and more generally regarding regional systemic transformations in the context of global environmental change (see: early assessment of the economic costs of the pandemic was carried out here: