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Low-profile/drag Electronically Steerable Antennas for in-Flight connectivity

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - LESAF (Low-profile/drag Electronically Steerable Antennas for in-Flight connectivity)

Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2022-12-31

The demand for In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) market is growing, and the quality-of-service provision is forecast to increase. Airlines and service providers look for innovative approaches to reduce CAPEX and OPEX for the onboard services. The high cost of satcom terminals and the installation procedure should be reduced with new solutions. Additionally, the running costs associated to satellite capacity loan are decreasing because of the deployment of high throughput satellites and mega-constellation. New satcom terminals should impact lowering the fuel consumption by low profile/drag systems.

LESAF project proposed a low-profile and highly efficient Electronically Steerable Antenna (ESA) solution for the next generation of In-Flight Connectivity services. To achieve these objective next stages were performed: requirements definition, system analysis, technology assessment, prototyping and validation of this type of new generation electronically steerable antennas. Two demonstrators (one TX and one RX) were developed to assess that this type of antennas can meet the stringent requirements impose by the aviation market while bringing superior benefits over their alternative technological solutions.

LESAF project represented an innovative and cost-effective solution for electronically steerable antennas for In-Flight applications. Improving of EU Competitiveness is the main impact of the project, where next areas can be highlighted:
• Innovation capacity and strengthen competitiveness.
o Exploitation of results for strengthening the competitiveness of the SMEs companies in the Consortium.
o New skills and capabilities, mature processes and procedures.
o Leading position on electronically steerable antennas.
o Position in the market and to develop business opportunities.
• Improving other socially important aspects.
o Competitiveness of the European Space industry.
o Qualified employment.
o Close Digital Divide.
o Energy efficiency - lower energy use and, a result, less emissions to the environment.

Taking into account that LESAF approach boosts the communications capacity and In-Flight services, it is key enabler for the cost reduction of CAPEX and OPEX in aviation. Its reduced size (less additional fuel burn costs due to the less additional drag), high efficiency and improved reliability support other green solution coming from aircraft manufacturers and airline operators.

The project leading to this application has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 887197.
LESAF project proposed a low-profile and highly efficient Electronically Steerable Antenna (ESA) solution for In-Flight Connectivity services. This was achieved by next breakdown of activities:

1. Requirements definition
2. System analysis
3. Technology assessment
4. Demonstrator
5. Validation

Initial stages of the project were focused on the definition of the requirements and system analysis. Considering the In-Flight scenario, a study was performed with regard the electrical performance and regulatory/mechanical/environmental normative. Key features were defined as key: Ka-band operation, high scanning range, multibeam capability, low profile/drag and high reliability.

The technology assessment activity was divided into researching and breadboarding tasks. A thorough investigation of steerable antenna architectures was performed, from approaches based on digital processing to RF beamformers and radiating elements. Candidate technologies were considered for breadboarding stage, so the assessment of several key concepts was carried out. As result, most promising ones were selected to define and develop the demonstrator, particularly at radiating element and RF beamforming level.

As part of the demonstrator activity, TX and RX hardware were developed to integrate and validate the proposed. Both demonstrators, medium-scale apertures, were conceived with significant complexity and performance to validate the LESAF approach.
On one hand, TX Demonstrator consisted of a 32x48 radiating elements full aperture in Ka-band including M&C, cooling system and RF distribution stages. It was reconfigurable to provide flexibility in the activation pattern of antenna. On the other hand, RX Demonstrator was a 32x64 radiating elements full aperture in K-band with the ability of operating as single and dual apertures. Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Testing tasks were carried out during this activity. The key results on Demonstrator are summarized below:

• Frequency range: 27.5-30.0 GHz in TX, 17.7-20.2 GHz in RX
• Channel bandwidth: 100 MHz in TX, 500 MHz in RX
• Low power consumption, High EIRP, High Directivity
• High Scan angle range [0º-70º]
• Radiating patterns: High matching to simulations

The validation activity was intended to test extended functionalities of the demonstrators. Essentially, the smart reconfiguration in TX and multibeam operation in RX. But also, the behaviour of beam pattern, eirp, directivity and consumption in the different configurations. The test was performed by using the high degree of flexibility that TX and RX demonstrators offered. As result, it was observed the high potential of the proposed techniques to enable multi-beam and to improve link capacity at worst-case scan-skew angle combination.

LESAF project achieved active involvement in dissemination, communication and exploitation activities. A broad audience was addressed by means of different channels, like project website ( publications in magazines and in conferences (EuCAP’22, TSAS’222), participating in workshops (EuMW’22) and exhibitions (SatShow’22, IBC’22). As part of the exploitation task, the acquisition of new skills and capacities, consolidation of processes and the development of the demonstrators brought the strategic alliance of TTI and Celestia-UK to a leading position in electronically steerable antenna technology. New contacts with integrators, service providers and aircraft manufacturers showed this trend. Finally, the application for patent was one of the project results that addresses high performance antennas in combination to specific control techniques. The usage of this solution cover In-flight applications but other scenarios might be benefited.
The innovation potential in LESAF project is the development of a 100% electronically steered antenna (ESA) for In-Flight connectivity. In this roadmap, key characteristics as Ka-band operation, high scanning range, multibeam capability, low profile/drag and high reliability are demanding important innovations. In example, radiating element approach and RF beamforming architecgture must match to the harsh environmental conditions, regulation and industry standards.

As outcome, the basis for the development of the next genration of In-Flight terminals based on ESA systems will be achieved. With the aim of improving EU Competitiveness, innovation capacity and consolidated competitiveness of the SMEs in the consortium is expected. But additionally, further socio-economic impact is foreseen by impacting in European industry and qualified employment. And finally, to enable with LESAF approach a cost reduction in CAPEX and OPEX for the airline communications servieces, thruough higher efficiency in the system, decreasing fuel consumption and reducing emmisions to the
LESAF - TX Demonstrator
In-Flight Connectivity Scenario under LESAF approach
LESAF - RX Demonstrator