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NetworkNature - Advancing nature-based solutions together

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NetworkNature (NetworkNature - Advancing nature-based solutions together)

Période du rapport: 2021-12-01 au 2023-07-31

NetworkNature pursued three main objectives under the mission to mainstream and upscale NBS:

(1) To consolidate, expand and support a community of practice for NBS across science, business, policy and practice at scales from sub-national to international and across the rural-urban continuum with a particular focus on innovative NBS
15 NBS projects and their outputs featured on NN website;
Average increase of 173% in active members on platform for each main target audience (business, media, policy, practitioner, public, research)(compared to RP1);
Average increase of 199% in audience diversity by sector (civil society, financing and investment, infrastructure planning, natural resources management) (compared to RP1);
At least 24% increase in active participants in H2020 NBS TF;
7 joint products produced by NBS TF.

(2) To promote the increase and upscaling of NBS implementation across key areas of science, business, policy and practice
Average of 250% increase in participants per target audiences represented in events organised by NN;
Expansion of NBS knowledge base with 375 knowledge products (2.068 clicks), including +205 NBS resources, +149 NBS case studies, 4 factsheets, 3 knowledge briefs, 2 policy briefs, 3 design briefs, 1 NBS business package and 3 NBS knowledge databases (database of 196 NBS knowledge gaps, database of EU R&I on NBS with 300 projects, NBS knowledge database with 840 resources);
6 sectoral events organised by NN, participation in 7 sectoral events

(3) To build a broad base of support for NBS amongst society at large
65 #NatureFacts published with engagement of 23 different NbS projects and initiatives;
Activation of 6 NBS regional/national hubs through local in-person kick-off events (5 of them represented in NBS hubs portals on NN);
Target Audience wider public successfully engaged in NBS comics campaigns (1.1 Mio views of website, 22,000 unique visitors);
Average increase of 260% in Social Media Followers/Subscribers (highest increase in Linkedin with +354% compared to RP1).
Extensive work was undertaken on assessing, mapping and synthesizing NBS knowledge and gaps at European and international level, resulting in a significant expansion of the NBS resources library on the NN platform; Drawing on identified knowledge gaps for content and target audience, NN's knowledge products provide comprehensive information for the most pressing needs of the NBS community in the fields of business, policy and practice (see products listed under objective 2 above); NBS guidance was developed for practitioners, policy makers, and businesses, in a collaborative process with future users (landscape architects, network of national business representatives, policy makers). These knowledge products along with a continuously updated events list and exchanges with the SAB formed the basis for developing 13 sectoral and international events as pertinent awareness raising, networking and dissemination opportunities (also for NBS projects' and TF outputs) with target groups. Audiences reached and the sectoral collaborations ensured are essential for future sectoral collaborations in NN+. They were further disseminated in the NN webinar series. An updated European R&I Roadmap on NbS to 2030 was co-developed with the NBS community and European funders, which identifies core action areas for future NbS research based on key challenges and knowledge needs and will be implemented in NN+. NN consistently promoted internal and external products (NBS projects, outputs of TF), expertise, good practices, guidance materials on NBS via all of its channels (newsletter, task forces, events, social media and website), in addition to partner channels and relevant external outlets (e.g. Euractiv) to advance their reach to target audiences.The NBS projects section was further expanded to 15 projects on the NN platform, and a new NN website section launched for supporting 5 NBS Hubs. A NN Business Plan was co-developed with partners which sets out different options for the ongoing development of NN/NN+ in terms of income, services, operations and governance. It will be further revised in NN+ and pilot, review and evaluate some of the proposed income streams to determine viability.
Facilitation of the NBS Cluster Taskforces through NN contact points successfully continued, resulting in 4 Cluster TF meetings (with learnings to be taken into NN+), an increases in active members across all TF, the proliferation of work streams, the launch of a new TF on NBS education and 7 joint outputs (operational fund). 3 semester themes were run on ecosystem restoration, NBS quality and standards, and NBS education with the support of experts from the NBS community, which were imperative for making connections with NBS experts, raising awareness of NBS with the wider public (NBS comics) and establishing NBS in the European standardisation.
Exchanges with 10 interested regions/countries representatives led to the establishment of 6 national/regional NBS hubs (Nordic, Hungarian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Italian and Polish) with thematic, strategic and financial support from NN. Developed structural and procedural support in setting up NBS hubs will be taken on into NN+ for the expansion of NBS hubs and their capacity-building.
NN has solidly put NBS on the agenda of European standardisation and thus accelerated the transition from research and innovation products to market. With the semester theme on NBS quality and standards as an important driver and input, a CEN/CENELEC/ETSI SECTOR FORUM ON SMART SUSTAINABLE CITIES’ Task Group on Nature-based Solutions was initiated, identified high priority standardisation needs on NBS and recommended these for uptake by to the technical bodies of the Sector Forum. These efforts have resulted in the development of a CEN/TC 465 working group on NBS which adopted terminology as one of the first work items. NN+ has been granted a liaison role. NN has also extended its influence on standardisation at global scale by supporting the integration of European NbS knowledge in international policy processes related to standardisation such as UNEP's intergovernmental consultations on NBS, aligning European with global efforts to ensure the effectiveness and quality of NBS worldwide.
With the NBS comics campaign, NN took an innovative approach to broaden its outreach to the wider public, fostering collaboration with the creative sector, thereby transcending the boundaries of typical audience engagement. Garnering considerable attention with 1.1 Mio page views, NN has clearly captivated and engaged a wide spectrum of individuals beyond its usual audience, effectively disseminating its message and promoting awareness about the importance and benefits of NBS to an expanded and receptive audience.