Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PhantoMinds (Better and faster innovations with PhantoMinds’ instant automated recruiting tool for open innovators)
Reporting period: 2019-12-01 to 2020-05-31
Quick decision making, rapid prototyping and swift response to feedback and new trends are more important than ever. To enable this PhantoMinds offers the first fully automated expert recruiting approach. This enables the users/experts to participate in any innovation project for any company from wherever they want to. The entry barriers to participate in the innovation process are incomparably low. The matchmaking offers the innovation project only to those experts, which are eligible due to interests, expertise, willingness and motivation to participate. Both are offered to companies as a fully automated and holistic digital innovation process. Another USP due to our competitors is the fact that we do not aim at developing a mass of ideas via the crowd, but beyond consolidating these ideas to executable innovations using our innovation community software, which are elaborated in such an extent, for instance a clickable mock-up, that enables a company to directly implement it or assign a service provider to finalize it."
• instant identification and recruiting of the relevant people, i.e. customers, lead users, experts, influencers, opinion leaders, etc. via/in social media networks,
• own developed classification (score related to ‘lead userness/innovativeness’ / expertise /relevance / influence) of the potential users for the companies using our screening and recruiting crawler and algorithm,
• the identified users are addressed by specific social media advertising (sponsored posts, ads, messages or in-mails) related to the intrinsic motivation of the users and are offered attractive incentives (e.g. exchange with the company, workshop participation, expense allowance, rewards and price money),
• instant recruiting the users directly into the idea development or testing scenario for our client, i.e. in our innovation community, online surveys, etc., and thus, directly into the agile innovation process of our clients.
Our solution helps companies proactively approach digital transformation to secure existing markets and conquer new ones with new digital solutions. However, the innovations are not only developed here, but are even evaluated with regard to their market relevance on the basis of defined criteria, i.e. the innovations include market research, which the company can then save.
PhantoMinds plans to become the standard European-wide open innovation platform to create and discuss the future product, process and marketing innovations which build the future of Europe. The standard is based on collaborative, interactive and digital innovation development integrating every needed stakeholder of the innovation project and process involved.