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Intelligent Vision System for Improved Communication and Higher Productivity in Construction

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EVERCAM (Intelligent Vision System for Improved Communication and Higher Productivity in Construction)

Période du rapport: 2020-01-01 au 2020-06-30

In a successful construction project, investors, developers, main contractor and a network of specialised sub-contractors all need to work together in harmony. However, communications are complex and poor communication between the stakeholders leads to misunderstandings, mistakes, delays and disputes The construction industry is prone to unexpected events and accidents. These are common causes of stoppages and disputes, in which investors, main contractors and subcontractors lose money and time. A report quotes “failure to properly administer the contract” as the main underlying reason for a dispute, which may run over 15 months and cost as much as $34m. Delays are commonplace. A study of over 12,000 projects world-wide shows that 25% are delayed by more than 20% of time planned. The delays are notoriously caused by human factors and many could be avoided if reliable and timely information had been available. However, right now developers and contractors have poor visibility on such matters. Leveraging digital technologies and data would improve collaboration and integration of processes with the ultimate goal of increasing efficiency and productivity across the whole industry. For now, construction remains one of the least digitalised industries. In fact, less than 1% of revenue is reinvested in IT.
Construction is a huge market and a litmus paper for the condition of the economy. Also, the building and construction sector is a major pollutant, responsible for 39% of world carbon emissions. Making it more efficient and less wasteful is now a major challenge.
Evercam is at the forefront of bringing the power of visual communication tools to the construction industry. Our construction management cameras are installed on over 300 sites across Ireland, UK, Australia, Singapore and the USA. Images are collected continuously and can be used for promotional purposes, but more importantly, when shared with authorised persons, allow them to track the progress of work and can be used as evidence of activity on the construction site.
Our rapid company growth proves the market demand. We are the immediate answer to customer pain points and the evidence for this lies in actual user experiences. We are already making an impact on improving on-site collaboration with concrete examples:
More effective verification of supplier invoices
Removal of uncertainty from health & safety incidents leading to faster investigations
Early spotting of potential problems and deviations from the plan
With this project, we are now refining these systems and adding AI-powered capabilities for computer vision.
Evercam conducted the feasibility study project from January to June 2020. Due to the majority of the project period falling in the lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to adapt our plans and conduct most of the research remotely and online.
What we perceive as the most valuable result of this project is a structured “customer discovery” process introduced in the company. Evercam has always been a user-centric organisation developing a system tailored to specific customer pain points. However, the newly designed process has taken us to a higher level.
We have introduced improved financial planning and controlling, allowing us to follow the financial metrics and react in real time. We started measuring monthly recurring revenue (MRR) systematically. The MRR, when watched continuously, proves to be an important performance indicator for Evercam.
The feasibility study has guided our entry into new markets. We launched Evercam Australia in March 2020 and we are launching Evercam USA this summer. We also have a clear understanding of how to address further geographical markets.
Last but not least, we have prepared a plan for technical development which will guide our product goals over the next 3-5 years so that we can upgrade our service and provide a comprehensive progress tracking system for construction sites.
The results have been broadly communicated to customers and other stakeholders. We have worked closely with Enterprise Ireland to build further on the findings of this project.
Major modules deployed during the project:
Truck counting (Gate Report)
BIM integration
Field grid
Measuring tape
Integration with Procore
Integration with number plate reading (ANPR)
WhatsApp-based chatbot
Many of these functionalities directly bring savings to our customers. Others improve processes and efficiency of the overall project management.
Our system has also proven a reliable source of information in the lockdown situation enabling remote work on an unprecedented scale.