Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BAKOIL (Turning oil into stone: Oil legacies in the narratives of urban continuity and change in Baku, Azerbaijan)
Reporting period: 2020-09-14 to 2022-09-13
The findings of the project suggest that more attention should be paid to the cultural importance of extractive industries in places where they have been culturally and historically entrenched. In Baku, oil industry is so closely intertwined with positively valued aspects of modernization, such as education, healthcare, provision of public services, urban development, that even just criticism of oil industry is often met with resistance. Working towards public acceptance of energy transition requires careful and nuanced engagement with the cultural impacts of fossil fuels in the places of their extraction. Devising strategies for post-oil development should take into account local meanings of oil industry. Industrial heritage and incorporation of the legacies of oil industry into tourism, recreation, and creative industries can contribute to successful energy transition.
The objectives of this Marie Skłodowska Curie Action (MSCA) have been 1) to examine the official and unofficial narratives of urban continuity based on oil production in their socio-cultural context; 2) to explore the practices of collective remembering and forgetting in constructing the narratives of Baku as a historical center of oil production; and 3) to explore how an urban identity based on oil affects the imagination of a post-oil future.
Results of this MSCA are reported in a blog post, two academic papers (close to completion), a forthcoming popular article, and a monograph which is currently in preparation. The findings of the project inform applications for collaborative projects on Eurasian energy with colleagues from the networks established during the Action.