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The Challenge of Digital Media to Democracy in Europe: an engaged approach

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


“Emancipaciones en el siglo XXI: agenda global y propuestas estratégicas”(Emancipations in the 21st century: Global agenda and strategic approaches).

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: n Estudios contemporáneos sobre geopolítica, conflictos armados y cooperación internacional (Contemporary Studies on Geopolitics, armed conflicts and International Cooperation), 2020, ISBN 9788479933609
Publisher: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía

A cidade como máquina biopolítica - Prefacio

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: A cidade como máquina biopolítica, 2022, ISBN 9788419226631
Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

Ciberactivismo y nuevos movimientos de intervención contra el austericidio en Portugal

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: Ciberactivismo y nuevos movimientos urbanos : la producción de la nueva ciudadanía digital, 2021, ISBN 9788418476143
Publisher: Asociación Cultural y Científica Iberoamericana

Recientes movimientos sociales globales y tecnopolítica desde lasEpistemologías del Sur (Recent Global Social Movements and Technopolitics in theEpistemologies of the South).

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: Democracia digital. De las tecnologías de representación a la expresión ciudadana (Digital democracy. From the representation technologies to the citizen expression), 2020, ISBN 9788417600341
Publisher: Comunicación Social

Social Movement Impacts on Public Awareness of a Commons-based Democracy: Technopolitical Approaches of Portuguese and Spanish Recent Global Social Movements

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe, 2022, ISBN 9780367206420
Publisher: Routledge

Bem-vindos ao império da tela dividida: Notas para uma economiapolítica do fragmento (Welcome to the split screen empire : Notes for a politicaleconomy of the Digital shard).

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: n Direito, Política e Criminologia em tempos de pandemia (Law, Politics and Economy in Pandemic Times), 2021, ISBN 9786559081547
Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

Cidades de medo e desejonotas sobre o regime disciplinar da subjetividade neoliberal em Chthuluceno

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: A cidade como máquina biopolítica, 2022, ISBN 9788419226631
Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

Technopolitics: Apuntes para una economía política del fragmento(Technopolitics: Theoretical approaches for a political economy of the digital shards).

Author(s): Sabariego, J.
Published in: Ciberciudadanía. Retos en la democracia digitalizada (Cibercitizenry. Challenge to a Digitalized Democracy)., 2021, ISBN 9788417600570
Publisher: Comunicación Social

A cidade como máquina biopolítica (The city as a biopolitical machine)

Author(s): Jobim, A., Koppe, H., Sierra Caballero, F., Sabariego, J.
Published in: 2022, ISBN 9788419226631
Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

Algoritarismos (Algoritharianisms)

Author(s): Sabariego, J., Jobim, A., Salles, E.
Published in: 2020, ISBN 9788418329715
Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

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