Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GRAPHEME (Graphene and related materials membranes for efficient removal of toxic cations from water)
Reporting period: 2020-06-01 to 2021-11-30
The GRAPHEME project aimed to enhance the filtration capability of CM technology from microscopic to nanoscopic pollutants, such as metal ions and small molecules. This goal could be achieved thanks to the integration of graphene and related materials (GRMs)-based CMs. This combination led to a new hybrid material, GRM–CM, which has high removal efficiency, low production cost and long lifetime. The oxidized homologue of graphene, also known as graphene oxide (GO), proved to be the best candidate as GRMs because of its availability and well-known chemical tunability. Moreover, GO displays numerous oxygen functional groups (OFGs) such as carbonyls, epoxides, and hydroxides that trap the pollutant. The functionalization of CMs surfaces with GO enabled to control both the water permeability and the ions sieving behaviors. The functionalization technique required only a flow deposition of GO on the inner part of the CM and a low-temperature thermal treatment of the functionalized membranes under atmospheric condition. It made our approach economically convenient and easy to be scaled up. This hybrid material obtained showed a filtration efficiency towards heavy metal ions 78% higher than the unfunctionalized CMs, working with a water flow of 20 mL/min. In view of the low cost of all components and scalability of all processes used, our methodology holds potential to estiablish itself as a new and revolutionary water purification technology.