CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Plan dealing with the acquisition and archiving of data as well as rules for access to this data for all partners
A report describing PASI configuration used in PASTELS
Technical description and design review of the PKL facility and the SACO componentTechnical description volumes masses pressure losses heat losses geometry of all components of PKL test facility and SACO The SACO design review report will comprise considerations on the scaling approach in the PKL facility shortcomings of the scaling approach possible distortions of relevant phenomena induced by geometrical and pressure scaling and recommendations for the use of TH system codes
Symposium at the end of the project targeting mainly NPP operators to disseminate PASTELS results and roadmaps
Roadmaps for European versions of SACO and CWCTechnical Report to quantify the effort required to bring SACO and CWC to industrial application
Bibliographic research on the phenomena related to the natural circulation in closed loopDescribes phenomena and models with strengths and weaknesses and review of existing SET experimental support
PASI post-test analysis resultsA report on post-test analyses using codes of partners’ choice, based on as-built PASI configuration data and actual test parameters and boundary conditions, being aware of test outcomes.
Advances on safety CWC design and related modelsSummary of WP4 activities and key findings.
Dissemination and communication planDetailed plan defining all activities for the dissemination and communication of the project and its results to its different target audience groups
Simulation of PERSEO experimentsDescribes test facility and compare results of different approaches used in T23 with experimental results
PASI test specificationA report detailing test matrix experimental boundary conditions and needed instrumentation
Methodologies and guidelines for validation and use of numerical toolsTechnical synthesis based on outputs from WP2,WP3 and WP4.
Synthesis on the status of code validation on separate (SET) and combined effect tests (CET)Describes achievements and deficiencies in code capabilities for simulation of simple passive systems, suggest new developments and additional experimental support.
Advances on SACO design and related modelsThe report merges the findings on code performance from the pre- and post-test analyses, gives recommendations and guidelines on the application of test results acquired from reduced-scale testing to real PWR dimensions, provides recommendations on improvements of the SACO concepts and, in general, it points the way for the development of the SACO concept towards TRL7.
PASI pre-test analysis resultsA report on pretest analyses using codes of partners choice PASI basic data and PASI test plans as input specified test configurations parameters boundary conditions but no knowledge of actual test results yet
Summary of P1 pre and post-test calculationsA short summary of T3.4 stage I computational activities used as an input for the preparations of proposals for BIC and procedures of the phase 2 experiments
PASI-CWC test resultsAn electronic database reporting test data and a summary report will be produced
Benchmark reportCollect outcomes, conclusions, recommendation from benchmark exercise blind and open phases
Simulations of HERO-2 experimentsDescribes test facility and compare results of different approaches used in T22 with experimental results
Public website will provide information about the project publications news and events
A report which comprises objectives, facility configuration, list of actions, salient results, etc. and accompanying data: test data, measurement lists and plans, movie. The supply to the project partners may be realised via data DVD and/or download/sharepoint sites.
PKL-SACO phase2-experimentsContaining: objectives, facility configuration, list of actions, salient results, etc., test data, measurement lists and plans, movie)
Telkkä, J., Riikonen, V., Räsänen, A., Kotro, E., Hyvärinen, J.
Published in:
NURETH-20, Issue Proceedings of the 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), 2023, Page(s) 1716-1726
American Nuclear Society
J. Perez et al.
Published in:
NURETH-20, Issue 632-644, 2023
Kecek A., Vyskocil L.
Published in:
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference NENE 2023, Bled, Slovenia, 2023
Nuclear Society of Slovenia
C. Herer, L. Vyskocil, A. Kecek
Published in:
TIC 2022, 2022
G. Grippo, M. Polidori
Published in:
ICAPP 2024
Omar S Al-Yahia, Ivor Clifford, Hakim Ferroukhi
Published in:
SCOPE2023, Issue vol.13, 2023, Page(s) 15
Omar S. Al-Yahia, Ivor Clifford, Konstantin Nikitin and Hakim Ferroukhi
Published in:
NUTHOS-13, 2022, Page(s) .
Kecek A., Parduba Z.
Published in:
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference NENE 2023, Bled, Slovenia, 2023
Nuclear Society of Slovenia
M. Montout, C. Herer, I. Gomez-Garcia-Torano, Joonas Telkka, M. Polidori
Published in:
NURETH-19, 2022, Page(s) 36
Omar S. Al-Yahia, Ivor Clifford, Konstantin Nikitin, Prosper Liu, Hakim Ferroukhi
Published in:
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2023, Page(s) ., ISSN 0029-5493
Elsevier BV
Omar S Al-Yahia, Ivor Clifford, Hakim Ferroukhi
Published in:
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Issue Volume 56, Issue 8, 2024, Page(s) 2893-2905, ISSN 1738-5733
Korean Nuclear Society
Paul Dené, Michael Montout, Eric Garcia, Joonas Telkkä, Vesa Riikonen, Franck David
Published in:
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Issue 424, 2024, Page(s) 113279, ISSN 0029-5493
Elsevier BV
Michaël Montout, Christophe Herer, Joonas Telkkä
Published in:
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Issue 56, 2024, Page(s) 803-811, ISSN 1738-5733
Korean Nuclear Society
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