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Institutional, BEhavioural, critical and adaptive economics towards SustaInable Development, management of natural capital and circular Economy

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BESIDE (Institutional, BEhavioural, critical and adaptive economics towards SustaInable Development, management of natural capital and circular Economy)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-06-30

BESIDE aims to reinforce and consolidate at the University of Aveiro Associated Laboratory CESAM research expertise in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources. This will boost the existing fundamental and applied research activities by filling the identified gaps on: i) financial impact of environmental policies, ii) high-skilled jobs opportunities, and iii) circular economy business models.
The ERA Chair will be hired for the position of Coordinator Researcher (full Prof equivalent) and fund five researchers and three PhD students.
BESIDE will be framed in 4 pillars: i) institutional economics (how do institutions shape and constrain sustainable resources management); ii) behavioural economics (what is needed to provoke sustainable resources management); iii) critical economics (drawbacks and limits to as well as going beyond the ecosystem services approach); and iv) adaptive economics (model competitive advantages for existing and new businesses, and jobs).
BESIDE is fully aligned with University of Aveiro and CESAM goals and therefore in line with the United Nations sustainable development goals for 2030, EU priorities that include the commitment for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth based on knowledge and innovation and the shared pursuit of excellence, and with the national and Centro-Portugal region research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3).
Following the Description of Action (DoA) the first year was essentially devoted to the Chair holder hiring process, followed by the hiring process of the BESIDE team. The project started on the 1st of January 2021 and the main achievement during the reporting period was the selection of the Chair holder and the preparation of the internal process for the selection of the remaining team. The process followed the DoA, including the contingency plan associated to the Chair holder hiring process, as reported in D6 - Report on the selection process of the ERA Chair holder.
The work performed also included the following selected BESIDE deliverables/milestones:
• Webpage
• Data Management Plan
• Communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan and code of conduct.
With the ERA Chair in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources it is expected that the University of Aveiro Associated Laboratory CESAM will gain critical mass and overcome the identified expertise gaps in research regarding economic perspective and business opportunities. The BESIDE project Era Chair holder, with expertise in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources, and the associated team will positively induce a change in current practices allowing for a full participation in the areas of development and assessment of institutional, regulatory and market-based policies; cost-effectiveness, cost-efficiency analysis and cost-benefit analysis; spatial environmental-economic modelling; environmental-economic impact assessment; and therefore, evaluate potential business opportunities.