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Twinning for reaching sustainable scientific and technological excellence in the field of Green Electronics

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - GREENELIT (Twinning for reaching sustainable scientific and technological excellence in the field of Green Electronics)

Reporting period: 2022-02-01 to 2023-10-31

The problem being addressed. Despite serious efforts deployed at EU level, internal disparities among different countries and regions in Europe, in terms of R&I performance, can be noticed. This project is aimed at creating the collaborative conditions required for a promising research institution – University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia – to trace clear excellence trajectory in the field of Green Electronics. This will be achieved by twinning with EU leader in the project domain – the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Italy and the Denmark Technical University (DTU), Denmark.

Importance for society. Green Electronics can revolutionize the standard of care for a variety of health conditions. Extending the capacity and safety of these devices, and reducing the costs of powering them, could enable broad deployment of prolonged-monitoring systems for patients.

Overall objectives: 5 specific objectives (SOs) are foreseen:

SO1: To enhance scientific/technological capacity of UNS and collaboration with EU partners
The scientific capacity of UNS has been enhanced through collaboration with IIT and DTU, through two‐way exchange of knowledge during staff exchange visits as well as during the joint events.

SO2: To raise the research profile of UNS and its staff
26 journal papers and 12 conference papers have been published for the whole project duration.

SO3: To create the Scientific strategy of UNS for stepping up in the field of Green Electronics
In RP2 we organized meetings with stakeholders, round tables, brokerage events in order to promote the Strategy accompanied with Action plan as well as to promote the GREENELIT results.

SO4: To provide training and networking possibilities for ESRs at UNS in the field of Green Electronics
ESRs attended international conferences; More than 10 ESRs or students supervised, 3 of them defended mater thesis. 1 summer school targeting ESRs was organized.

SO5: To increase UNS’s attractiveness, visibility and its impact on national, regional and EU level
UNS team participated at 2 technical fairs. We also participated at 1 Researchers’ night and 1 Maker fest.
WP1: Sustainable linking for excellence
Task 1.1: 2 staff exchanges from UNS to IIT and DTU were performed. Ž. Popović and M. Vejin (UNS) executed their 60 days long secondment, each, to IIT. 2 researchers from UNS, D. Piper (76 days) and S. Bučko (60 days) executed their secondments to DTU.

Task 1.2: In RP2, the following staff exchanges from IIT to UNS were performed: P. Mondelli (14 days), F. Ferrarese, V. Galli and G. Coco (in total 21 days), P. Rossi, M. Cambiaggio, E. T. H. Sala Ruben, C. Bortolotti and L. Aloisio (in total 49 days). The following staff exchanges from DTU to UNS were performed: H. Gharibi (22 days), M. Alehosseini (22 days), S. Revesz (32 days) and T. Eufrásio-da-Silva (10 days).

Task 1.3: 2 virtual trainings were delivered by DTU experts to UNS staff: (1) „The emerging trends within the field of green bioelectronics“, date: 12/04/2022, no. of attendees: 21; (2) „Developing Researchers’ soft skills“, date: 22/04/2022, no. of attendees: 26.

WP2: Raise research profile of the UNS and its staff
Task 2.1: UNS staff members performed 3 short-term training visits to IIT and 3 to DTU. 3 IIT staff members performed short-term training visits to UNS. DTU staff members performed 13 days of training visits to UNS. In the RP2, we organized the Final project conference, in Novi Sad, Serbia, on 12/09/2023 (41 attendees) and 13/09/2023 (36 attendees).

Task 2.2: In the RP2, we organized 6 lectures delivered by IIT experts, 4 by DTU experts and 2 by worldwide recognized experts.

Task 2.3: In RP2, 3 members of UNS Research and Project Management Office visited the IIT office for international projects.

WP3: Scientific strategy for stepping up in the field of Green Electronics
Task 3.1 and Task 3.2 were completed in RP1.

Task 3.3: In this reporting period, within Task 3.3 we created “Action plan for implementation of the Strategy”. We participated or organized the meetings with stakeholders, industry representatives, etc.

WP4: Involvement of early stage researchers
Task 4.1: Summer school was organized in the period from 25/07/2022 to 28/07/2022, in person, at UNS. The summer school gathered 101 participants, over 4 days.

Task 4.2: In this reporting period, more than 20 ESRs had opportunity to pass training in the UNS laboratory of Green electronics. 1 UNS team member defended PhD dissertation in RP2 as well as 3 young researchers defended their master thesis.

Task 4.3: Networking measures are performed through participation at international conferences, events organized within the project, involvement in creation of the content in project social media, writing new HE project proposals, etc. 3 educational videos and 2 tutorials were created.

WP5: Dissemination and outreach activities
Task 5.1: The GREENELIT web portal have been regularly updated as well as the project social media accounts. According to the "Webometrics Ranking of World Universities", UNS improved its position from 1009 up to 912.

Task 5.2: A wide range of promotional materials were designed, printed and distributed to participants on events organized within the GREENELIT. The project coordinator had had 3 interviews for TV, 2 articles published in popular magazine and 1 on internet portal. We also participated in Maker fest and Researcher night. The UNS team also participated at 2 industrial fairs.
The state of the art. Progress in this emerging field of Electronics may benefit from development of bioresorbable and edible electronic materials derived from nature or food-based materials as substrates in flexible electronics. For instance, potato and crab shells were used for creation of transparent substrate, edible tattoo-paper was used as a platform for integration of electronics onto food, graphene was formed on substrates such as food or paper.

Progress beyond the state of the art. This project is based on the quest to provide a systematic way to deepen and extend scientific links between UNS and leading research institutions IIT and DTU, based on exploring synergies to tackle key scientific challenges in the domain of Green Electronics. The GREENELIT team already crated the following innovative results: edible hydrogel bite force sensor, edible inductors and their application in transformers and LVDT, food-waste based electronic components, electrodes for ECG and EMG developed from potato peel, etc.

The socio-economic impact. GREENELIT aims to create an application‐oriented, market‐driven and sustainable results in the field of Green Electronics. It will be a good opportunity for the scientific and industry sector to study and apply new, ground breaking and cost effective technologies that will enable the usage of natural materials, food-based-sensors or even food-waste based components, in order to produce zero waste and to turn waste into value.

The wider societal implications. The GREENELIT team envisages a broad range of applications, e.g.: measurement of bite force in oral cavity; food-based sensors for monitoring biomarkers in oral cavity, potato peel based electrodes for recording ECG signals, etc. These innovations can bring significant benefits for society worldwide.
Developed demonstrators within the GREENELIT
Photo from Final project conference
Edible solenoid developed by UNS team
Potato peel based electrodes