The ExcellMater project will have a strong impact primarily on the coordinating institution FTM that will be then extended to its local partners, next, to the industrial ecosystem and scientific community and finally reaching biomedical stakeholders and wider public. In specific, there will be significant improvement of the overall scientific and innovation capacity of FTM in the field of biomaterials engineering, through linking with research-intensive international partners. By acquiring the relevant knowledge and expertise, strengthening collaborative local and international scientific networks, building up the links with interested industry, and increasing the visibility and reputation, FTM will be able to establish successful translation routes of novel biomaterials to personalized medical devices. Also, by various ExcellMater activities, FTM will obtain young scientists that will be fully capable of conducting and coordinating such multidisciplinary research. By twinning the specific expertise in preparation of project proposals and project management and administration the capability of FTM to compete successfully for national, EU and internationally competitive research funding will be expanded. Thus, the main scientific and technological impact will be on FTM but it will spread to comprise effects on many scientific, technical, social, and economical aspects at national and regional levels. The vision of the ExcellMater project is to build an ecosystem around FTM gathering together key-players from academic, scientific, health and industrial sectors and establishing functional two-way communication pathways to patients and general public, for efficient and advantageous translation of research results to novel medical products in Serbia, thus providing direct impacts on the economy, healthcare system and generally on the quality of life.