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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Building the Future: Excelling in Computational and Quantitative Social Sciences in Turkey

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Publication of scientific papers in international scientific journals

Deliverable 44 Publication of scientific papers in international scientific journals By the 30th month of the project members of the consortium aim to increase the capacity for more publications and thus publish a number of highimpact coauthored papers in international scientific journals

Seminar/workshop list available online at the end of each year

Deliverable 24 Seminarworkshop list available online at the end of each year GESIS will lead this deliverable by inviting scientists from different disciplines These seminarworkshop lists will be made available online at the end of each year during the project

Computational methods tutorials

Deliverable 3.5: Computational methods tutorials To make the material reusable for other trainers, we will write a report that explains which computational methods were implemented and explained on the platform to meet the needs of social scientists at universities that can use these resources during their lectures. We will also report usage statistics of the material to show the impact and outreach that is created by this effort. This deliverable will be led by GESIS and is planned to be executed by the 24th month of the project.

Online training modules

Deliverable 3.4: Online training modules We will set a focus on developing online teaching materials based on Jupyter Notebooks which are web-based documents that allow for markdown description of research methods, alongside the embedding of directly executable code in many languages such as R or Python. It will allow easy exploration of data with a minimum of coding skills, but that will gradually lead participants to acquire more coding skills in R or Python. GESIS has already built expertise in this area. Firstly, by providing students and researchers with interactive, “clickable” visual notebooks where code is hidden and can be gradually revealed and explored. Secondly, through web-platforms that start users off with light-weight visual exploration web tools and seamlessly lead over to more complex analysis scripts with code by passing on parameters to linked, prepared notebooks on (Please see: Lastly, all code will be didactically tailored to the needs of researchers with non-technical backgrounds, another task that GESIS is familiar with due to their strong involvement in teaching Data Science topics to Social Scientists. While the whole consortium will work together to develop and produce the material, GESIS will lead the process. Online training modules are planned to be prepared by the 24th month of the project.

Organization of 2nd summer school in Turkey

Deliverable 1.2: Organization of 2nd summer school in Turkey One of the main tasks of WP1 is established around the organization of three summer schools, two of which will take place in Turkey (organized by KU). The second summer school is planned to be held in the 24th month. Its theme will be centred on social unrest and large-scale societal phenomena. The basic structure of each school will be the same: six days, about nine lecturers, group work, networking and final presentation of each group.

Organization of 1st summer school in Turkey

Deliverable 11 Organization of 1st summer school in TurkeyOne of the main tasks of WP1 is established around the organization of three summer schools two of which will take place in Turkey organized by KU The first summer school is planned to be held in the 12th month of the project Its theme will be centered on biases and diversity The basic structure of each school will be the same six days about nine lecturers group work networking and final presentation of each group

Organization of 3rd summer school in Italy

Deliverable 1.3: Organization of 3rd summer school in Italy One of the main tasks of WP1 is established around the organization of three summer schools, the last of which will take place in Italy (organized by ISI). The third summer school is planned to be held in the 30th month of the project. Its theme will be centred on human mobility and disease modelling. The basic structure of each school will be the same: six days, about nine lecturers, group work, networking and final presentation of each group.

Organization of total six workshops at KU and 6 at GESIS and one at ISI

Deliverable 15 Organization of total six workshops at KU and six at GESIS and one at ISI As required by the final task of the WP1 in total 13 workshops will be organized by the end of the project 12 of them will be organized by KU and GESIS 6 workshops per institution and 1 workshop will be organized by ISI On a yearly basis 4 workshops will be organized per year by KU and GESIS 2 workshops per institution The project will offer smaller and more specific workshops targeting in more detail a particular technique or methodology This deliverable will be led by GESIS while the whole consortium will work together to develop the program of each workshop and define the logistics


Overview of CLEF 2019 Lab ProtestNews: Extracting Protests from News in a Cross-Context Setting

Author(s): Ali Hürriyetoğlu, Erdem Yörük, Deniz Yüret, Çağrı Yoltar, Burak Gürel, Fırat Duruşan, Osman Mutlu, Arda Akdemir
Published in: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction - 10th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2019, Lugano, Switzerland, September 9–12, 2019, Proceedings, Issue 11696, 2019, Page(s) 425-432, ISBN 978-3-030-28576-0
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-28577-7_32

A Task Set Proposal for Automatic Protest Information Collection Across Multiple Countries

Author(s): Ali Hürriyetoğlu, Erdem Yörük, Deniz Yüret, Çağrı Yoltar, Burak Gürel, Fırat Duruşan, Osman Mutlu
Published in: Advances in Information Retrieval - 41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, Cologne, Germany, April 14–18, 2019, Proceedings, Part II, Issue 11438, 2019, Page(s) 316-323, ISBN 978-3-030-15718-0
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-15719-7_42

Towards Generalizable Place Name Recognition Systems - Analysis and Enhancement of NER Systems on English News from India

Author(s): Arda Akdemir, Ali Hürriyetoğlu, Erdem Yörük, Burak Gürel, Çağri Yoltar, Deniz Yüret
Published in: Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval - GIR'18, 2018, Page(s) 1-10, ISBN 9781450360340
Publisher: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3281354.3281363

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