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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Industrial Strategy and Competitiveness Studies at TalTech

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TALTECH INDUSTRIAL (Industrial Strategy and Competitiveness Studies at TalTech)

Période du rapport: 2020-10-01 au 2021-12-31

The overall objective of the TALTECH INDUSTRIAL project is to strengthen the research excellence of Tallinn University of Technology in the fields of (1) industrial strategy and competitiveness studies, and (2) advanced data analytics skills to be exploited to conduct improved analysis of global value chains and clusters, and to identify and analyse the impact of relevant public policies through cooperation with international partner institutions in the EU.
To reach this objective, TALTECH INDUSTRIAL will bolster a strategic partnership between TALTECH as the beneficiary, and Bocconi University, Aalto University and Nesta as the key knowledge providers. The network will develop a lasting partnership which focuses on building capacities to empower TALTECH and its regional partners to assist the design of industrial strategy both at home and elsewhere in the EU cohesion regions. The network will (1) allow the co-creation of more socially-relevant research that will benefit industrialists, policy makers and entrepreneurs; (2) foster policy learning and the development of more effective policies that meet the needs and expectations of society; and (3) establish an executive training system that improves the accessibility of the cutting-edge research for businesses and policy makers.
The TALTECH INDUSTRIAL project brings TALTECH together with top research and key policy analysis actors in the field and will implement a demand-driven capacity building strategy that will enhance the research capacity of the participating organisations, boost the career of early stage researchers, and establish TALTECH as a regional research hub. The key innovative aspect of TALTECH INDUSTRIAL is that it focusses on emerging new research areas, new data and research methods of very high industrial and policy relevance, where TALTECH and partners are well established to take the lead in Europe.
In the 1st reporting period considerable progress has been achieved. Most of the collective efforts were aiming at defining the needs end to put together an action plan to facilitate capacity building throughout the project.
One of the needs expressed was related to acquiring in-depth knowledge on innovation and cluster studies. So, the project partners organized 8 events that enhanced the capacities at TALTECH.
TALTECH INDUSTRIAL has also supported three participations in international doctoral schools.
To enhance TALTECH’s skills in research methods, with a particular focus on advanced data analytics skills, structured approach was implemented to advance business intelligence and data science on basic and intermediate levels. Also, three workshops were organised to discuss radically novel data science approaches to solving business and policy problems. TALTECH’s staff was granted access to a data science study platform for improving individual’s skills on data science and access to databases and improvement of skills to work on that data were improved.
The organisation of international doctoral schools and a hack week is underway.
TALTECH INDUSTRIAL has been successful in attracting research funding, to reach the above objectives. These topics are central in the research project “Economic Complexity, Machine Learning and Economic Policy”, funded by Estonian Research Council starting 2022.
Competence building on research management and administration is underway. One training has been implemented by AALTO and follow-up sessions continue in 2022. TALTECH INDUSTRIAL team has been actively contributing to strategic planning on the level of the School and the Department.
TALTECH INDUSTRIAL has been particularly successful regarding proactive policy advisory activities. Successful steps have been taken to proactively engage with the respective policy makers. Policy stakeholders are regular participants of the project events and policy consultations have become regular. Project team has also presented in several high-level events in Estonia.
TALTECH INDUSTRIAL partners have also taken actively part in seminars and conferences organised by the European Commission (EC) or EC-funded projects and have looked for ways to exploit corresponding synergies. Also, numerous networking events have been attended to create visibility and extend the co-operation networks.
The action has led to increased research excellence, enhanced reputation and networks and to the improved capability to compete successfully for research funding in the emerging new interdisciplinary research area. Knowledge transfer has taken place from the globally leading research partners, contributing actively to the skills and career development of both early-stage researchers and experienced researchers.
Impact on individual level is related to the improvement in the methodological skills and research competencies in the field of industrial strategy and competitiveness studies, and on research management and policy/industrial strategy analysis.
Impact on organisational level is reflected by the increased interdisciplinarity and excellence of overall research at TALTECH, combining economics, business administration and data science.
Impact on Estonian economy and policy is revealed via strengthening of policy research and policy making capabilities of the various Estonian public organisations and agencies.
Online meetings and webinars have been employed extensively by the project team as a result of COVID-19 travel restrictions. Face-to-face meetings between partners and stakeholders have generally not been possible, with very few exceptions. Nevertheless, arranging conferences and webinars online, allowed the project to reach researchers, policymakers and professional communities and establish a wide range of contacts in Estonia and throughout Europe.