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Welcoming ERA Chair to Centre of excellence in nutrigenomics for optimising health and well-being in the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

Project description

Unlocking research potential for a centre of excellence in nutrigenomics

The Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IARFR PAS) is carrying out interdisciplinary research on the environmental impacts on the well-being of humans and animals. The EU-funded WELCOME2 project will upgrade the Institute's research potential and ensure its full participation in the European Research Area (ERA). Through the project, a researcher with high leadership skills (ERA Chair holder) and research group will be permanently employed at IARFR PAS to lead interdisciplinary research that will lay the groundwork for a Centre of Excellence in Nutrigenomics dedicated to optimising health and well-being. The overall goal of the project is in line with regional and national smart specialisations as well as the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges, Horizon Europe's Pillar 2: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness.


The main objective of WELCOME2 is to upgrade, extend and unlock the research potential of Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research to achieve excellence on sustainable basis and fully participate in ERA. An outstanding researcher with high leadership skills (ERA Chair holder) and her/his group will be permanently employed at IARFR to lead interdisciplinary research that will lay grounds to Centre of Excellence in nutrigenomics for optimising health and well-being. ERA Chair is envisaged as a Deputy Director for Science at Institute’s new premises after their construction is completed. In parallel, we will implement SWOT-driven structural changes for responsible research and effective science management. Introduction of internal policies on GLP, OA, ODM and ethics will make IARFR a competitive and credible ERA-recognised centre. Upgraded HR unit will underpin proficient execution of C&C principles and OTM-R values, fostering ERA priorities of gender equality, research freedom and training, and thus increase Institute’s attractiveness for excellent mobile researchers. Under Chair’s guidance we will advance our research management/administrative skills and improve Institute's capacity to compete successfully for international funds. WELCOME2 received support from authorities, industry and research stakeholders, and demonstrates a strong synergy with European Structural Investment Funds. Project’s impacts feed into regional and national smart specializations, as well as Horizon2020 Societal Challenges, HorizonEurope Pillar2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness and UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will disseminate WELCOME2 outcomes to external stakeholders in open trainings, scientific seminars and Knowledge Arena Workshops, and this way modify research and innovation landscape of region and country. To maintain all research-related policies and favourable working conditions beyond project completion a Sustainability Plan was prepared.

Call for proposal


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Net EU contribution
€ 2 499 887,50
10748 Olsztyn

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Makroregion północny Warmińsko-mazurskie Olsztyński
Activity type
Total cost
€ 2 499 887,50