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Virtual Open Innovation Platform for Active Protective Coatings Guided by Modelling and Optimization

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - VIPCOAT (Virtual Open Innovation Platform for Active Protective Coatings Guided by Modelling and Optimization)

Période du rapport: 2021-05-01 au 2022-10-31

VIPCOAT aims to deliver an Open Innovation Platform (OIP) designed to engage (quadruple helix) stakeholders in collaborative environment through a guided innovation process, to support industrial end-users in making optimal decisions based on predictive modelling. The OIP facilitates team establishment by using a skill-based recommender system.
The proposed OIP, although being designed for a multitude of industrial applications, uses active corrosion protection coatings as the specific business case for the innovation platform implementation and development. Tightly linked complementary multi-scale models distributed along the protective coating production chain are the core of the VIPCOAT OIP demonstration.
The concept is specifically applied to the aeronautic sector, as one of the most challenging cases in terms of materials protection. The VIPCOAT platform is designed to be adaptable to support the development of sustainable protective coatings in other industrial areas alike, for example automotive and maritime industries, infrastructure for the energy production, medical devices and generically for mechanical and civil engineering activities.
A Minimum Viable Product of VIPCOAT OIP has been delivered. Users can register and engage in innovation activities on the OIP, which has been designed as an interactive web page. The structured innovation process starts from an idea, through project proposal, collecting a team to running an innovation project. Platform users may explore or suggest ideas, challenges, or innovation topics. Based on the ideas or challenges, project ideas can be suggested, discussed and solved.
The VIPCOAT consortium, together with MUSICODE and OpenModel projects, investigated needs and requirements to extend the Open Innovation concept under the Horizon Europe program into Open Innovation Frameworks and published "Position Paper: Open Innovation in Horizon Europe" on OpenAir.
To implement the innovation process at VIPCOAT OIP, a number of interfaces and web-services have been implemented. Integration of all demonstrators Apps (User cases) has been provided for initial versions of the models. The first deployment of a business decision support system (BDSS) at the industrial partner sites had been realized and is deployed on the OIP.
The VIPCOAT platform is currently implemented using SimPhoNy-Remote, Camunda, MoDeNa OSP, BDSS and uses OTEAPI as interoperability layer. An API to fetch chemical data from the international chemical database PubChem and a connection to the REACH database has been implemented.
The ProMo (Process Modelling) suite for capturing ontology-based knowledge on protective coating structures and formulations has been constructed. This visual modelling method is subject to an ongoing standardization activity. A set of model topologies for inhibitor leaching, initial versions of workflow and translation ontologies have been produced.
MODA (MOdeling DAta) documentation for the complete modelling workflow of the four User cases, representing main technological challenges in the formulation of coatings and their performance in coating test scenarios, has been delivered.
For the User case 1 (Protective additives) an initial version of a quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model to predict the corrosion inhibiting effect of small organic molecules on AA2024 is created. The model developed uses the data from literature and generated by the consortium from inhibitor screening experiments analyzing more than 80 different chemicals.
User case 2 (Inhibitor delivery): a first flexible stochastic micro-geometry model for the microstructure and morphology of active protective coatings based on 3D image data obtained by nano-tomography has been developed. The data for the models were collected by two experimental campaigns at DESY: the first one focused on the sub-microstructure and the second one investigated in-situ leaching.
Extension and testing of the multi-ion modeling MIoTRaS code to accommodate the modeling of active coating systems has been utilized for User case 3 (Degradation in defects). The coating system was modelled considering different physico-chemical properties of materials of both inorganic and organic inhibitors. To generate initial and validation data, inhibitor concentration experiments were performed for three inhibitor candidates, and surface analytical techniques for selected chemicals have been applied.
A number of industrial relevant testing have been performed for User case 4 (Accelerated corrosion test). The tests included 12 different coating configurations of each inhibitor type. Coated samples have been tested by droplet, salt-spray, and cyclic corrosion tests subject to aeronautic standards. The data generated from the analysis of these results will be made available for validation of the VIPCOAT OIP. An initial simulation code is developed based on the results of User case 3.
The VIPCOAT innovation process accelerate new product development starting from ideas to innovation project implementations. Utilizing an ontology-based recommender system, the platform supports building teams with desired skills and required experience necessary to conduct innovation projects.
The VIPCOAT OIP follows industrial required functionalities to facilitate innovation processes for sustainable protective coating development. The ambition is to support multiple manufactures along a distributed coating production chain including different industrial actors, which has never been tackled before.
The deployment of the first BDSS version is of value for the industrial partners. This decision recommendation tool paves the way to an integration of individual BDSS systems into a collaborative B2B2B decision support environment, which is a novel concept implemented in the frame of VIPCOAT OIP.
The interoperability system and technology is tested and developed in the frame of VIPCOAT projects giving valuable input for the digitalization process of coating industry and corresponding software architectures.
The VIPCOAT ontology tools use a new approach to construct user interfaces to capture coating formulations and structures. Formal data documentation via data models facilitates semantic interoperability.
The first reconstructions of 3D coating microstructures from the nano-tomography experiments are an essential progress in the digital design of protective coatings. VIPCOAT carried out the first in-situ observation of inhibitor release from coatings.
The multi-ion transport and reaction models as established in VIPCOAT for simulating the leaching effect of considered inhibitors are entirely unprecedented in the scientific literature.
The development of predictive QSPR models ensures new ways to implement an active design of experiments and create a short-list of promising chemicals for experimental testing using the data-driven models. It will reduce the environmental and economic load of experimental investigations, thereby contributing to a more sustainable coating development.

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