Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RoBoCut (A new Agricultural Industry Standard for Autonomous Plant Production)
Reporting period: 2021-05-01 to 2022-04-30
Furthermore, sterility tests were performed and repeated for several weeks to ensure that no contamination can get inside the machine and all surfaces are sterile. A combination of positive internal air pressure, airflow filters and UV-light sterilisation is used. The sterility of the airflow and all surfaces inside the RoBo®Cut system were investigated with excellent results.
The realisation of an optimised and modularised production series is currently being prepared. Pilot projects using the industrial prototype underline that RoBoCut enables to automate breeding and mass propagation of plants via plant tissue culture, as well as to onshore the production into the EU.
RoBoTecs mission is to produce better plants by autonomous, AI-driven automated and sterile production systems for the world’s plant propagators. With RoBo®Cut we want to reduce CO2 emissions and develop sustainable production systems that enable our customers to produce onshore in and for their own markets.