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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Tunisian Researchers’ and Citizens’ Green Deal

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GREEN NIGHT (Tunisian Researchers’ and Citizens’ Green Deal)

Période du rapport: 2020-07-01 au 2021-01-31

The GREEN NIGHT's main target is to bring researchers closer to the public. The event provided researchers the opportunity to showcase the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, and to stimulate interest in research careers – especially among young people. It highlighted how researchers contribute to our society by displaying their work in an interactive and engaging forum.

GREEN NIGHT aims to demonstrate the importance of Researchers and Innovators in working for sustainable development to stop global warming, contribute to artificial intelligence-related findings, fight diseases and viruses, and tackle challenges for a better life.
GREEN NIGHT in Tunisia was a bridge between The Tunisian researchers and the public to focus on the achievements and the fascinating world of science in four areas of interest: Space & Earth, Ecology & well-being, Robotics & digital, Art & Culture.
The event was an opportunity to encourage researchers and innovators to apply for grants under EU R&I programs funded by the EC, through reserving a part of the event to highlight success stories H2020 Tunisia Projects.
In line with the current pandemic of COVID-19; COVID-19 space was reserved to showcase the various initiatives led by researchers and Innovators to face the epidemic.

GREEN NIGHT project contributed to boost the public recognition of researchers’ work and encourage young people to embark on research careers developed to ensure real sustainability, zero pollution, affordable secure energy, smarter transport, and high-quality foods.
In front of the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the team of GREEN NIGHT has proven to be resilient to implement effectively the GREEN NIGHT.
They managed to adapt to the issues encountered and to turn the threat into an opportunity to reach a higher number of participants through a digital transformation to all the programmed.
As “The Researchers’ and Citizens’ Green Deal”- GREEN NIGHT is an eco-friendly project, and due to the pandemic circumstances, only digital supports were used to increase the visibility of the European Researchers’ Night.
Four pre-events were organized, to raise the awareness of the public to the event, in different laps of time as follow:
1. GREEN NIGHT E-Caravane
2. GREEN NIGHT Challenge (GNC)
3. GREEN NIGHT e-Meetings for Science Popularization
4. GREEN NIGHT Scientific Mediation e Training

To guarantee the total online mutation of the “Tunisian researchers’ and Citizens’ Green Deal, It was agreed to set up an interactive Web & 3D platform for the event.
Through the 2D Tour Platform, the visitor may visualize the activity and add his feedback, view information on the consortium and partners of ERN and consult the list of programmed activities.
A 3D tour platform for the event was developed for the first time in Tunisia to ensure the digitalization of the Event; an avatar; male or female the visitor, maps representing the 6 deals of the event were each promotional stand contains all the details on each activity (poster, video, textual or vocal description, etc.).
The content of the 2D and the 3D tour platforms were based on the videos of researchers’ activities that were filmed in a professional HDR Quality by a hired professional production company.
For better management of the project, regular face-to-face and online meetings were held between the members of the project, the supervisors, and the project coordinator.
GREEN NIGHT offered all the categories of the public, regardless of age and scientific background, a range of activities to discover research, science, and Innovation through entertainment.
Researchers met the public through these activities and highlighted their work through Hands-on experiments, science shows, games, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions, and digital activities.
The activities of “The Tunisian Researchers’ and Citizens’ Green Deal” offered valuable insight into how researchers are racing against infectious diseases, and why their task is so important for the future and welfare of our societies, progress, and economic growth where 102 researchers were involved in GREEN NIGHT.
The Minister of HE and SR inaugurated the Official ceremony of the event held in the City of Sciences of Tunis, in presence of the Minister of Education, and some researchers and innovators who participated in the event.
Although the challenging circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation measurements imposed by the Government; the European Researchers’ Night in Tunisia was successfully organized and highly covered by the media. It showcased remotely the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, stimulating interest in research careers - particularly among young people.
The European Researchers' Night (ERN) project in Tunisia; GREEN NIGHT, funded under the MSCA, is a Tunisia -wide public event that brought researchers closer to the public. The Night provided researchers the opportunity to showcase the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, and to stimulate interest in research careers – especially among young people. The events highlighted how researchers contribute to our society by displaying their work in an interactive and engaging forum.
The project took place on 27 November 2020 in challenging circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Around 10.800 visitors attended the event and 102 researchers and innovators took part.
The project had as well a socio-economic impact as 24 contracts were signed in this project, including seven contracts for unemployed doctors.
The MoHESR coordinated GREEN NIGHT. The partners are ANPR, CST, PSM, VST, REACT, and ARSII.

This consortium showed resilience and commitment to reach the ERN objectives. Although the challenging circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation measurements imposed by the Government slowed the workflow of the project organizing committee, this first edition of the ERN in Tunisia was successfully organized with a lot of hard work, efficiency, and effective management.
The main objective of the project was to bring researchers to the public and increasing awareness of research and innovation activities specifically leading to a cleaner environment and a better quality of life.
Key purposes of GREEN NIGHT were enhancing the public recognition of researchers’ work, a better understanding of the impact of researchers' work on citizen's daily life, and encouraging young people to embark on research careers developed to ensure real sustainability, zero pollution, affordable secure energy, smarter transport, and high-quality foods.
These purposes came true through hands-on experiments, science shows, games, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions, and digital activities in a format of the attractive 3D platform. A 2D solution was developed as well for visitors with low-performance laptops or poor connection.
This great experience was very successful and had considerable benefits and impacts, either for researchers or for the public, or for the consortium members.
Virtual event of GREEN NIGHT (1)
Virtual event of GREEN NIGHT (2)
Photo taken during the speech of the Project Coordinator at the Opening Ceremony.