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COMPutationally empowered Electromagnetic industrial TalEnts

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - COMPETE (COMPutationally empowered Electromagnetic industrial TalEnts)

Reporting period: 2021-03-01 to 2023-02-28

As an impacting discipline, computational electromagnetics is expanding rapidly. The future is looking strong, mainly due to the growing demand for software for the design and analysis of electrical devices. However, standard doctoral programmes in computational electromagnetics are often too theoretical, abstract and far from the on-field industrial needs. The aim of COMPETE (COMPutationally empowered Electromagnetic industrial TalEnts) is to bridge the gap between the mindset and needs of advanced electromagnetics industry and the academic doctoral programs. This training is providing a very pragmatic prospective on the current industrial needs in modelling and will form and educate an impactful cohort of young scientists and innovators in the field of industrial computational electromagnetics.
The project is successfully providing a very high level and qualifying doctoral education to a set of five enthusiastic fellows. Formations have been delivered in both academic and industrial sectors that are professionally shaping the background and career prospective of potential future leaders in the discipline of computational electromagnetics. The project has also been obtaining several scientific outcomes already. These includes new techniques to handle low and high frequency simulation scenarios in the best and most effective possible way. These strategies have been leveraging newly adapted mathematical tools, including quasi-Helmholtz projectors to several impacting scenarios including problems with junctions, high order solvers, and time domain formulations. Moreover the project has obtained strategies to model metasurfaces, a quite impactful and relevant topic today, as well as statistical strategies for uncertainty quantification as well as learning scenarios applied to computational electromagnetics. The works and scientific results obtained within this project have already been recognized by the scientific community with several conference prizes.

More in detail, the project is articulated in five individual research projects, corresponding to the PhD topics of five fellows:

Individual project of Johann Bourhis (ESR1): new paradigms in moderate, low, and extremely low-frequency modelling for EMC and EMI industrial applications.
Progress and results: After a bibliographic analysis and a substantial phase of preliminary implementation and theoretical investigations, the fellow has obtained two new formulations extending the use of the quasi-Helmholtz projectors to the industrially relevant cases of structures containing junctions and to high order problems.
Publications: one conference paper published in the proceedings of IEEE AP-S/URSI Denver 2022 and currently being extended to a full journal paper. The high order contributions will be will be presented in the conference URSI GASS Sapporo 2023 in the summer and a second paper about this topic is in preparation to be submitted as a IEEE AP transaction paper.
Awards: the research of this individual project has received an honorable mention award at to IEEE AP-S/URSI Denver 2022.

Individual project of Pierrick Cordel (ESR2): new paradigms in moderate, high, and extremely high-frequency modelling for large scale scattering and industrial design
Progress and results: After a preliminary set up, the fellow investigated and obtained a new solver in time domain of electric type and another of combined type allowing wideband simulations including signals with substantial high frequency components.
Publications: One conference paper published in the proceedings of IEEE AP-S/URSI Denver 2022, another submitted to IEEE AP-S/URSI Portland 2023, and a third submitted to URSI GASS Sapporo 2023.
Awards: The research of this individual project has received an honorable mention award at to IEEE AP-S/URSI Portland 2023 and another paper was selected as one of the 10 finalists at IEEE AP-S/URSI 2022.

Individual project of Margaux Bruliard (ESR3): new paradigms in modeling of impedance and metasurfaces for radiation and scattering for next-generation industrial application.
Progress and results: after a background building phase, the fellow investigated several IBC important scenarios, obtaining a new stabilization techniques for the IBC EFIE.
Publications: one conference paper submitted to the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/URSI) in Portland.

Individual project of Leonardo Pollini (ESR4): new paradigms in uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, and tolerance assessment, modelling, specification, and implementation
Progress and results: the project started with a propaedeutic study of the state of the art, then the project focused on the investigation of the behavior of random-based global optimization strategies obtaining results that are absolutely comparable to the human knowledge-based solution but in a completely automatable way.
Publications: the results obtained so far have been submitted and accepted for publication as a conference paper in the proceedings of the IEEE APS/URSI international symposium 2023, Portland.

Individual project of Paolo Ricci (ESR5): new paradigms in computationally empowered machine learning for industrial EM design and assessments.
Progress and results: this project obtained a new single current formulation for imaging that leverages dual discretization schemes to avoid approximating the relationships linking electric and magnetic currents. The formulation was then extended to a resonance-free one and the activities so far included also the investigations of the enhancing and application of this approach within a machine learning-based current imaging setting.
Publications: one conference paper submitted to IEEE AP-S/URSI Denver 2022 currently being extended to a full journal paper.
Awards: The research of this individual project has received an honorable mention award at IEEE AP-S/URSI Denver 2022.

Disseminaton and Communication
As detailed above for each fellow, overall after 1.5 years since the beginning of the PhD programs the project delivered four conference papers published ad available in open access. There are currently 5 journal papers in preparation. In addition, all fellows have been involved in communication activities: they participated to science fairs for high schools, university lab open door presentations, and they have been all actively involved in the European Night of Researchers.
In addition to the advancements of the state of the art obtained, the project will now address real case scenarios that could be impacted by the technology developed so far. Realistic structures taken from industrial challenges will be considered both to benchmark the newly obtained techniques and to show their practical impact on modern advanced electromagnetics. We expect a substantial impact on the modelling state of the art and related business in our field as computational electromagnetics is at the very heart of several technological fronts both in industry and academia.