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Dynamics of dense nanosuspensions: a pathway to novel functional materials

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - nanoPaInt (Dynamics of dense nanosuspensions: a pathway to novel functional materials)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-12-31

Nanoparticles are used as additives to modify and control liquid properties and to stabilize foams and emulsions for possible application in the food, cosmetics and materials industries. They are the essential part of ink formulations for 2D and 3D printing and coatings, and very promising carriers for targeted drug delivery. Nanoparticles are incorporated into functional porous materials, designed for applications requiring extremely high surface area enabling high heat and mass transport and chemical reactions rates.

Nanoparticles can be harmful. Their presence in air or water can influence the Earth’s ecology and human health.

The aim of the nanoPaInt project is a comprehensive understanding and predictive modelling of the properties and dynamics of dense nanosuspensions, which are governed by strong nanoparticles interactions in liquid bulk and at interfaces. The gained knowledge is used to design novel functional smart liquids and solid nanomaterials.

The training aim of nanoPaInt network is to support the career development of young researchers both in academic and non-academic sectors and to train a new generation of creative, mobile, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers (ESRs) through the experience of independent and interdisciplinary research, participation at local and network-wide training activities and intersectorial and international secondments.

In Work Package (WP) 1 the interactions between the nanoparticles in liquid bulk and at fluid interfaces will be related to nanoparticles dynamics and to the bulk and surface rheology of nanosuspensions. The dynamics of nanoparticles will be simulated by solving the Langevin equation for the systems, in which the range of colloidal interactions significantly exceeds the particle size.The simulations will lead to development of a breakthrough theory for the nanoparticles clustering, and further to development of model describing rheology of nanosuspensions and nanoemulsions.

WP 2 is focussed on investigation of dynamic interfacial flows which are important for manufacturing and application of functional nanomaterials. This includes the fast elongational flow in liquid bridge, flow of films and sessile drops induced by vibrations and fast spreading under influence of surfactants. In these flows the relation between the time scale of the flow and the time scale of nanoparticles dynamics, including the adsorption/desorption kinetics, plays an important role.

In WP 3, capillary nanosuspensions are being designed and fabricated with the forces between the nanoparticles responding to external stimuli, which allows programming the response of the suspensions to changes in environmental pH, temperature or salinity. Capillary suspensions can also be used as precursors for fabrication of porous ceramic materials. The combination of microparticles and nanoparticles leads to a significant increase in the compressive strength of the resulting material. The combination of nanoparticles with different wettabilities enables the fabrication of smart porous materials that can be applied, for example, for the separation of liquids.

WP 4 is devoted to development and optimization of routes for manufacturing of novel functional nanomaterials from dense nanosuspensions on the basis of knowledge gained in the previous WPs. We shall demonstrate the applicability of nano-suspensions with controlled properties for manufacturing of functional materials and parts at different scales and shapes: micron-sized supraparticles, printed electronic circuits, porous materials and objects manufactured using 3D-printing process. Their applications include catalysis, gas adsorption, filtration, liquids separation and drug delivery.
In WP 1, work has been performed towards simulation of interaction force between two nanoparticles. The electrostatic repulsion force was has been modelled by solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation.
Within the same Work Package, an interfacial rheometer based on electrocapillary waves has been redesigned, rebuilt, and tested using Langmuir monolayers if insoluble neutral polymers.
A further task in WP 1 is related to investigation of adhesion of nanoparticle clusters on substrates. Theoretical adhesion theories have been reviewed and used to evaluate adhesion forces. The contact forces between the particles were measured using Atomic Force Microscopy.

In WP 2, a mathematical model for the description of the dynamics of a non-isothermal dense nano-suspension with a free interface has been developed. The model includes thermophoresis, adsorption and desorption of particles at the interface, and the dependence of properties on the particle concentration.
Three setups for studying interfacial flows of nanofluids have been built and tested: (i) a setup for studying the liquid bridge stretching, (ii) the setup for studying the drop impact on a spherical target; (iii) a setup for investigation of vibrating sessile drops.
The last task of WP 2 is devoted to characterization of the surfactant solutions and investigation of their spreading behavior on surfaces with different wettabilities.

In WP 3, capillary suspensions with a combination of nanoparticles in the secondary fluid and microparticles have been successfully produced. In their rheological characterization, a decrease of the normal force and the shear moduli by nearly an order of magnitude has been observed when compared to the capillary suspensions without nanoparticles. Similarly, the aqueous two-phase system PEG-dextran has been satisfactorily used to produce completely water-based capillary suspensions. This type of capillary suspensions has shown an increase of five orders of magnitude in their moduli. Their structure has been elucidated using confocal microscopy.

In WP 4, a theoretical/numerical model describing formation of nanoparticle assemblies has been developed, in which the suspended particles are treated as a solute. The first simulation results for evaporation of suspension sessile drops on super-hydrophobic and para-hydrophobic substrates have been performed.

Formation of smart supraparticles by evaporation of two coalescing drops on a superoleophobic substrates and was studied, and methods for manufacturing Janus and core@shell supraparticles have been tested.

Optimization of methods for syntheses of copper nanowires (NWs) and hybrid particles composed of Cu NWs coated by a silver layer (core@shell particles) was performed.

Different protocols for obtaining porous materials in the form of solid foams were developed. Concentrated dispersions of photocatalytic titania nanopafrticles serve as a basis for the development of solid foams with satisfactory multiscale pore structure.

Silica-phosphate glass nanoparticles were formed through the sol-gel route, and silica-phosphate photo-printable ink for 3D printing of complex glassy objects was formulated.
The results obtained during the reporting period are novel, and the expected results obtained until the end of the project will meet the stated objectives. The developed mathematical/numerical models and experimental diagnostic tools are expected to have an important scientific impact in the area. The development of novel materials and methods of fabrication of functional objects are expected to have socio-economic impact.
Internal flow patterns in vibrating sessile drops on superhydrophobic and para-hydrophobic surfaces
Confocal image of a diluted capillary suspension using aqueous two-phase system PEG-dextran