Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SELMA (Stream Learning for Multilingual Knowledge Transfer)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2024-03-31
SELMA tackled potentials from two sides in the past three years: by significantly advancing multilingual language technologies from a research perspective and by integrating concrete technological improvements into components, platforms and prototypes which to a great extent are available open source for the public and (the media) industry. SELMA shaped speech and text technologies for media analysis and production resulting in significantly improved results, e.g. with respect to topic labeling, clustering, summarisations, transcriptions, translations and voiceovers.
In the second period of the project, significant research results in the field of language technology could be made and integrated into the platforms (UC0, UC1 and UC2) and Use Case Applications / Prototypes (Podcast Creator, Diversity Application, M-PHANTOM, Diarization, DW Speaker, DW Summarizer). All objectives and KPIs were met and a great part of the developed software and components as well as the SELMA open-source platform could be released as public domain. The plain X platform evolved into a product, was rolled out at Deutsche Welle and could gain first clients. The Monitio platform was enriched with a new NLP orchestration pipeline and new multilingual NLP analyses based on state-of-the-art AI methods, thus making it more scalable and avoiding a language bottleneck of translating the content into English.