Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FUDGE-5G (FUlly DisinteGrated private nEtworks for 5G verticals)
Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2023-03-31
To further devise the realisation of innovative 5G technology elements, FUDGE-5G implemented 5GLAN, 5G-TSN, 5G-Multicast and Roaming for interconnected NPNs and tested it over COTS RAN and UE solutions either in one of the five use cases (5GLAN, 5G-TSN) or within the lab (5G-Multicast). While solutions for 5GLAN, TSN and Multicast are standardised in Release 16 and 17 already, FUDGE-5G had to innovate on realising these solutions over UE and RAN solutions that do not offer multicast or broadcast capabilities on the layers below OSI Layer 3. The interconnection of NPNs is even a topic that is not standardised at the moment, demonstrating the forwarding-looking nature of the related use case.
A key effort and success within the project were the effective pipelining of implementing features within organisations, integrating them within the offered sandbox or within a lab, and bring them into the trial sites for final testing and refinement. The advances in cloud-native procedures around deployment and management of fully softwarised 5GCs and vertical applications fostered the integration work of the project and reflect the advances in 5G over its predecessors.
Each of the five use cases had a different vertical stakeholder, making them truly independent in their applicability and unique in their validation. While FUDGE-5G partners could validate their technologies outside lab environments, verticals in particular had strong interest learning the capabilities of 5G and what 5G can bring to them as a wireless technology. The findings were shared in deliverables and in workshops with the verticals, demonstrating the productive conversation by mobile network operators and vendors, and verticals.
During the final analysis of individual innovations developed in the context of the project, 12 innovations were identified and assessed against potential exploitation opportunities. Furthermore, with 34 standard contributions to organisations such as 3GPP, IETF/IRTF, NGMN, and NATO, FUDGE-5G successfully delivered on its promises to impact standardisation. The project also delivered on intellectual property generation directly out of the project (11 filings with 2 cases as already granted) and scientific publications (12 accepted) as core metrics for industry and academia to demonstrate impact.
FUDGE-5G aimed and succeeded in creating a beyond Service-Based Architecture, disintegrated and automated platform, where the lifecycle of the different 5G components is being orchestrated. This platform provides unified service routing, telemetry, and orchestration capabilities to 5GCs in a most transparent manner avoiding strong technology-specific dependencies. The platform has been deployed in IDE testbed in London and features every 5G Core provided by the consortium members, and the Vertical Application Orchestrator to on-board 3rd party apps into it.
Verticals that currently benefit from 4G private networks have seen a KPI upgrade when switching to 5G, while the easier access to licensed 5G spectrum enables new businesses such as remote media production or Industry 4.0 local 5G networks.