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integRatEd Solutions for POsitive eNergy and reSilient CitiEs

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - RESPONSE (integRatEd Solutions for POsitive eNergy and reSilient CitiEs)

Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-03-31

With cities expected to host 80% of Europeans by 2050, and representing 60-80% of the global energy consumption and CO2 emissions it becomes clear that cities have tremendous leverage to reduce Europe's impact on climate change.

The aim of the RESPONSE project is to establish a strategic vision for cities to reach city climate neutrality by 2050. It will turn energy sustainability into a doable mission by solving the energy trilemma (security, equity/affordability, and environmental sustainability) at building, block, and district levels.

The project builds on intelligent, integrated and interconnected energy systems coupled with demand-oriented city infrastructures, governance models and services that foster energy sustainability.

RESPONSE supports the Lighthouse Cities of Dijon (FR) and Turku (FI), and the Fellow Cities Brussels (BE), Zaragoza (ES), Botosani (RO), Ptolemaida (GR), Gabrovo (BU) and Severodonetsk (UA) to facilitate them deliver positive energy blocks and districts. It acts as a catalyst for the interest of various stakeholders by generating innovative business models that upscale and replicate solutions and a validated roadmap for sustainable cities across Europe and beyond.

The overall focus of the project is to create resilient and safe cities whilst increasing the quality of life and lowering the impacts of climate change.
The RESPONSE Project started in October 2020 and the most important achievements during the second reporting period are:

*Master City Plans to deploy and demonstrate the Smart City Energy Transition Innovations were developed, they extract the requirements and determinant factors to facilitate user adoption and initial dimensioning of the solutions to be deployed in the Lighthouse cities in Turku and Dijon.

*The planning and definition of the project monitoring activities have progressed. Based on a multi-criteria selection process, the relevant project’s KPIs were determined, and the RESPONSE online platform which will facilitate Smart City ecosystem stakeholders and end-users to navigate through the different KPIs and monitor the performance of the RESPONSE solutions was developed.

*A baseline study and an in-depth technical analysis of the currently available ICT solutions in Dijon and Turku were performed together with an analysis of the requirements (technical, operational, legislative, regulatory, business) and potential technical barriers for replicability and interoperability of the project’s ICT solutions. The implementation of the solutions has started.

*In both Lighthouse cities the local citizen engagement activities have started. In Turku, peer mentors were recruited and trained and the first cascade funding events were organized. In Dijon, local events were planned to engage stakeholders as well as the first cascade funding events. In both Cities, air quality-related actions were assessed and engaged. The design of the project participatory platform and its contents has started and is progressing.

*New Business models’ foreground and primary flows were assessed in Turku and Dijon.

*The Lighthouse Cities Dijon and Turku organized the demonstration activities and assessed the local constraints and barriers to implementing the innovative solutions. Some regulatory constraints were identified and mitigation plans were defined. Most of the IEs within TA1 to TA3 are being implemented.

*Work on the Replication Roadmaps has started. It aims to guide 6 Fellow Cities in selecting the most appropriate innovative solutions and help them integrate these solutions into their strategic plans. The first deliverables regarding the fellow city replication plans and their bold vision for 2050 were delivered.

* Consortium partners are collaborating with other relevant Smart Cities and smart cities-related projects by participating in different events and in the Scalable Cities initiative.

* The tools and materials used in the dissemination and communication of the project have been regularly provided and reviewed.
RESPONSE will demonstrate smart city technologies that improve the quality of life, environment, and connected services. It:

*Implements solutions and technologies associated with energy transformation, decarbonisation, antipollution, intelligent communication, safety and digitalization. Buildings in Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) are retrofitted to achieve a positive energy balance with renewable energy services, storage, control and automation systems.

*Engages citizens in the design, evaluation and demonstration activities from the early beginning of the project.

*Introduces city planning and Governance tools (e.g. City Diagnostics) which will help local authorities better organize and respond timely to city needs.

*Rolls out KPIs for performance measurement and monitoring of the deployed solutions and couples Life Cycle Assessment and air quality modelling to assist district/city decision-making in design.

*Promotes the uptake of electric mobility and its integration into the energy grid at the city level with vehicle to grid (V2G) and battery solutions, 5G and internet of things (IoT) traffic management systems as well as modelling techniques to de-risk future investments.

*Demonstrates grid flexibility, energy management and storage, district heating, and power networks solutions to pave the way for Energy Security, Energy Equity, and Environmental Sustainability.

*Implements initiatives, measures, and services associated to climate adaptation, and city resilience.

*Establishes business models which attract robust investments that blend private and public funding and that serve all interested parties and incentivize investors.

*Investigates key aspects and identifies the challenges to be addressed to increase the impact of the solutions and to enable replication within the six Follower Cities.