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Smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ROBINSON (Smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands)

Période du rapport: 2022-04-01 au 2023-03-31

ROBINSON aims to develop an integrated energy system to help decarbonise (industrialised) islands.

To this end, the project will develop and deploy an integrated, smart and cost-efficient energy system that couples thermal, electrical and gas networks, which will optimise the utilisation of local renewable energy sources. Through the development of a smart, modular and optimised Energy Management System (EMS), ROBINSON will integrate existing and newly developed technologies, such as a small gas turbine based combined heat and power, an anaerobic digester assisted by bioelectrochemical systems to enable the conversion of liquid waste into biomethane, a mobile innovative wind turbine, a gasifier to convert bio-waste, as well as hydrogen-related technologies (electrolyser and storage system). This integrated system will ensure a reliable, cost-efficient and resilient energy supply contributing to the decarbonisation of the European islands by helping to decrease CO2 emissions.
Project work during the first 18 months of the project was proceeding according the plans. The project kick-of meeting was followed by regular working meetings of partners involved into work-packages and separate coordinative meetings to align the work across the WPs. Boundary conditions on the demonstrator and follower islands were mapped and the technology adaptation and development of the relevant components started. The selection of components to be purchased was initiated and potential suppliers were contacted for offers. Challenges in connection with some components to be purchased (e.g. wood gasification unit) and the business plans as well as in connection with societal acceptance arose are in the process of being handled. The impact due to significantly changed economic boundary conditions in energy costs and its impact on the project plan is currently in evaluation as it might impact the selection of energy sources due to significant changes in prices. A workshop on risk mitigation and identification of possible solutions including the challenges above is scheduled for April 2022 and it will be updated on an at least bi-monthly base.
The integration of mature technologies and technologies already installed on the demonstration island, together with an innovative storage and a novel CHP system represents the main progress beyond the SOTA in ROBINSON. A number of technologies will be developed and optimised to fit the island’s needs, helping Eigerøy to approach to full decarbonisation. When the ROBINSON system is fully operational (expected in 2030), this will be 100% feasible for the electricity and thermal network. While the marine and road transport will greatly benefit from the ROBINSON installations with hydrogen and biomethane being available as renewable-based transport fuels, additional research will have to be performed for the full decarbonisation of the transport system. The demonstration island will then benefit from direct impacts on its local business: a number of business models will be identified and will be further developed during the project by the local stakeholders supported by market experts. The business models could be the following: The final system solution will be self-sustained avoiding additional and extended transmission line capacity to adjacent mainland networks, which represents a major business case by itself. The electricity and heat produced by the energy system will be used for residential buildings and industries, especially those newly established on the island. Models and concepts for the interaction with the land based and the marine transport sector will be investigated. For Eigerøy, an opportunity is to include connections to electric and/or H2-fuelled ships and the harbour area near the energy system. Reduction of CO2 emissions represents another business case, especially considering the increase of carbon taxes in Europe. Another business case to be investigated is the use of biogas in green vehicles. They will be followed by the dedicated WG on Business modelling.
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Eigeroy demo site island