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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Hybrid Provision of Energy based on Reliability and Resiliency by Integration of Dc Equipment

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HYPERRIDE (Hybrid Provision of Energy based on Reliability and Resiliency by Integration of Dc Equipment)

Période du rapport: 2020-10-01 au 2022-03-31

The HYPERRIDE project contributes to the field implementation of Direct Current (DC) and hybrid Alternating Current and Direct Current (ACDC) grids. Starting with the definition of the most relevant fields of application for DC grids (local microgrids, grid enforcement to overcome congestions, coupling of Alternating Current (AC) grid sections, etc.), the enabling technologies will be specified in detail on different levels.

From the system perspective, grid planning and operation guidelines are developed. To optimize investments for the use case-dependent use of assets available sizing tools are adapted for the field of DC grids. DC circuit breakers are key technologies for grid protection needed to overcome the main concerns related to these infrastructures. Therefore, HYPERRIDE will raise the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the most promising approaches currently available with the main focus on Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) breakers. To enable grid automation DC sensors are developed further to provide field-ready devices to create data for optimal grid automation. Automation algorithms will be created, validated in a test platform and transferred towards demonstration. This also involves concepts and solutions for cyber security and fault detection. In the case of grid faults, necessary solutions are developed to prevent cascading effects. For fault prevention databases are created to trigger preventive measures.

With demonstrations in three countries (Aachen/Germany, Lausanne/Switzerland, Terni/Italy) the project will showcase relevant and above-mentioned enabling technologies within a wide range of use cases. The benefits of the solutions will be evaluated, especially the integration potential of renewables and electric vehicle charging with respect to conventional AC grids. Finally, business models are created for the products, services and applications in HYPERRIDE. Consequently, HYPERRIDE will actively identify and provide solutions to overcome barriers for a successful roll-out of new infrastructure concepts throughout Europe.
From the beginning of the project to the end of the first project period (month 18) following main results were achieved:

• Planning activities: The deliverables "Component Sizing Tool", "MV and LVDC components model library" were completed. For Task "Simulation report on the development of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids in parallel with existing distribution grids" a first system simulation model was created for Terni demo case and a scientific paper "Simulation Tool for Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid ACDC Low-Voltage Distribution Grids" was published and presented at CIRED 2021 conference (main session 5).
• Operation activities: The deliverables "AC/DC and DC/DC converters analysis and definition for their application in a real Distribution Grid" and "Pilot set-up & test specifications" were completed. For Task “LVDC virtual microgrid model and simulation results” a system simulation model was created for the Italian demo case.
• Automation activities: The deliverables "Control algorithms implementation for LVACDC Active Frontend", HYPERRIDE ICT platform specification and "Control Layer Based Control Algorithms were completed. For Task "Hybrid AC/DC data models for interoperability" a (not published) draft report part 1 was created.
• Enabling technologies development: About half of the deliverables with enabling technologies were prepared. The deliverables "Component Sizing Tool", "DC arc simulation workflow", "Microgrid MV DCCB 5kV prototype (designed and laboratory tested)", "Control algorithms implementation for LVACDC Active Frontend", "Requirements on MV DC circuit breakers" and "Control Layer Based Control Algorithms" were completed. First tests at AIT laboratories were performed for the new developed MVDC voltage sensor prototypes.
• Protection MVDC grid: The deliverables "Microgrid MV DCCB 5kV prototype (designed and laboratory tested)", "Requirements on MV DC circuit breakers" and "Control Layer Based Control Algorithms" are completed.

Swiss demo (EPFL) results:
• Four Active Frond End converters were developed and integrated - enabling the four DC lines at 750 Volts.
• Two DC Transformers were developed with their respective control algorithms for integration into the DC network.
• One Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converter has been developed for integration into the DC network.
• A linear state estimation for hybrid ACDC grids was developed and experimentally validated.
• Working DC Measurement Unit (DMU)s to measure time-synchronized DC quantities were developed and are ready for integration into the DC network.
• A load flow algorithm for hybrid ACDC grids using the linearized sensitivity coefficients was developed.

German demo (RWTH Aachen) results:
• Planning of grid operation strategies for medium and low-voltage DC grids.
• Planning and implementation of external converter and switchgear control.
• Development of a protection concept for medium and low-voltage DC grids.

Italian demo (ASM Terni SpA) results:
• Selection of the portion of the existing AC grid to be included in the pilot.
• Definition of the DC grid and control systems.
• Definition of the protection system (with DC circuit breakers).
• Set up of the grid for each use case.

Dissemination and impact creation:
• HYPERRIDE has participated in the BRIDGE initiative activities by participating in all Working Group (WG)s, presentations in Bridge General Assembly and European Commission (EC) LVDC webinar and a number of conferences and exhibitions, etc. Together with sister project H2020 TIGON a positioning paper with planned common activities was placed and the corresponding poster was presented at CIGRE SEERC Conferences 2021 & 2022.
Dealing with the demonstration of hybrid ACDC grids, which were seen as one potential technology to overcome future bottlenecks of power grids (utility, industry, infrastructure) in energy transition and to enable energy communities, aims to

• lift specific required key technologies and system solutions to higher TRLs (target area 5-8),
• collect essential operational experience with these technologies,
• highlight benefits and cost-effective solutions for relevant use cases,
• trigger manufacturers to step in recently with product developments and standardization work, and
• foster on a mid-term perspective further investment in the field for a successful roll-out over Europe.

Therefore, knowledge transfer across European (via BRIDGE and other channels) and international pilot projects and initiatives is crucial to lift synergies and therefore accelerate the technology development and standardization process and include relevant stakeholders’ interests.
Project flyer
BRIDGE brochure 2021
Virtual Enlit 2021 booth
Project logo
Virtual IEEE SG4SC 2021 booth
Project poster