CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Study of short term thermal and electric uses at building level focusing on the dynamics of typical thermal loads to be covered by equipment enabling the sector coupling approach heat pums CHP etc Aggregation of building typologies at local community level will be also studied
Assessment of regulatory feasibilityIdentification of the market architectures and regulatory frameworks that can have a positive or limitative effect in the demonstration activities and associated use cases The focus will be on renewable energy communities based on flexibility and the potential incentives to be applied considering the current regulation and proposing solutions to overcome potential barriers
Dissemination StrategyDefinition of the strategy for sharing the project results This document will determine the objectives target audience types of messages to convey channel and tools to be used and a method for evaluating the communication activities
Field implementation and data monitoring report IFollowing up and assessment of the demonstration activities Current status will be continuosly compared against the planning and measures will be proposed if any deviation is identified
KPI-driven evaluation framework and baselineDefinition of the evaluation methodology for the LocalRES demonstration activities including the definition of demonstration baselines high level and specific indicators and requirements for monitoring relevant parameters
Local postersElaboration of posters to promote the project They will be used by the local partners of the demonstration sites to show in public buildins events etc in order to create awareness within the local community
Communication StrategyDefinition of the strategy to promote de project This document will determine the objective of the communication efforts target audience types of messages to convey channel and tools to be used and a method for evaluating the communication activities
LocalRES Innovation Advisory BoardIdentification of the stakeholders to be part of the Innovation Advisory Board that will include social technological bussines and dissemination related actores The interactions between them and the rest of the consortium will be also defined frequency purposes etc
Methodology and results on participatory processes for tool designDefinition of the participatory strategies to be applied during the codesign sessions considering the reallity of the four demonstration sites Each of them will contain a map of relevant actors to be invited their role sesion objectives and expected results and depending on the actores expertise the appropriate dynamics to be followed in order to achive those expected results
Cost-benefits analysis (methodology and results)Quantification of the use cases through a CostBenefit Analysis focusing on RECbased services and social aspects
Decarbonization scenario assessment for the study casesReport on future scenarios to be applied in the different case studies and the most proper solutions that need to be implemented considering best price for money aspects The variability of the LocalRES demonstration sites enables the applicability of these scenarios in similar geographic zones along Europe The focus will be on sector coupling approac providing flexibility
Definition of the Use CasesThis deliverable will provide a characterisation of the most representative aspects of each demonstration site availability of local resources regulation community engagement etc that will be used to identify and evaluate potential new scenarios to be implemented after the project and will serve as basis for the study of future scenarios to be implementd in places with similar conditions
Business models shift from passive consumers to RECsDefinition of business models and financing instruments to unlock the investments in RES The outome will be an outline of feasible services under the given technical conditions and current regulatory framework of the proposed use cases
Graphic guidelinesDefinition of the graphic guidelines to be applied in every project communication at both internal and external level
Detailed demonstration plansElaboration of the timeline for the definition for the demonstrationa activities regarding the definition of technical specifications purchase procedure development of communication interfaces implementation of the LocalRES MEVPP etc
Development of the planning tool database considering the inclusion of local resources technology catalogue etc based on an effective architecure that allows an easy query for the development of simulation models
Visual identityCreation of the project visual identity including a logo graphic elements templates for dissemination of documents and presentations etc The result will be the project branding that enables to effectively identify the project publications
Project websiteDevelopment of the project website as main entrey point for the general public and potential stakeholders It will be created following the communication and graphical guidelines and a clear structure tailored to ease the access to the project outcomes and other related news
Fabio Maria Aprà, Raymond Sterling, Farhan Farrukh, Jussi Kiljander, Alessandra Cuneo, Gabriele Comodi, Alexis David, Marialaura di Somma, Ismini Dimitriadou and Stylianos Zikos
Published in:
Environmental Sciences Proceedings, Issue Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 11(1), 14, 25 November 2021 , 2021, Page(s) -, ISSN 2673-4931
Blanke, Julia; González, Alberto; D’Oca, Simona; Niederkofler, Michael; Nordlund, Edvard
Published in:
Crossref, Issue 1, 2022
Open Research Europe
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