Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HESTIA (Holistic dEmand response Services for European residenTIAl communities)
Période du rapport: 2020-11-01 au 2022-04-30
With the goal to deliver tangible benefits along the energy value chain, HESTIA will cross-fertilize and bring together the community centric and grid-centric business models. In this way, HESTIA will demonstrate its potential to deliver 20-50% energy cost savings for the end consumers, depending on the level of engagement, and up to 20% of final consumption energy savings to be unlocked by multi-carrier energy dispatching and optimized operation of building systems. At the same time, HESTIA will bring benefits to grid stakeholders owing to the exploitation of demand-side flexibility, demonstrating at least 30% of total load as reschedulable (demand flexibility), owing to the consumer engagement in load shifting activities and improved self-consumption of locally produced and stored energy. This will further contribute to the RES uptake by reducing the payback period for capital investments in RES production and storage assets
At project inception, a technical and regulatory analysis was conducted to identify and categorise the 3 pilot sites’ characteristics, assets and regulatory constraint (WP1). Consequentially, WP2 performed activities dedicated to the development of user-engagement strategies, and their practical realization, including participatory workshops run from September 2021 in both virtual and face-to-face modality (due to COVID restrictions) with the goal to explain the Hestia projects to pilot sites people and engage them in the project. Such phase led to conceive four services (WP3). Three services making up the Consumer Digital Twin span from the Human Behaviour Digital Twin service, (people) via the Energy Demand Forecasting & Production Modelling service (household) to the Consumer’s Energy Profiling service (clustering). The four service of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring T3.4 supports all the above services. Alongside, WP4, started developing and implementing optimal Demand Response strategies drive by both Artificial Intelligence algorithms and human based interaction.
In WP5 were performed activities related to the deployment at pilot site levels of technologies and the integration of Hestia platform. The work mainly focused on the deployment activities which due to severe COVID restrictions (both in 2020 and 2021) eroded the forecasted time the activities would have needed. However, the 3 pilots are already in operation, delivering the baseline references, although with a different readiness and intensity.
Finally, HESTIA started focusing on the implementation of an open marketplace for Demand Response, with special regard on the verification of regulation and financial factors for the identification of the business logic on which the sharing marketplace will be built (WP6). This action is conduced along with the definition and management of HESTIA’s exploitable results: individual interviews with the exploitable results’ owners targeted at proposal stage, to understand the potential for exploitation of the different developed products/services from the project (WP7).
Across the first 18 months, HESTIA delivered a sounding communication strategy (social media, articles, website, initial pool of events), also in the frame of the BRIDGE initiative.
The project aims to develop more effective Demand Response mechanisms, leveraging on consumers engagement and behaviors. For achieving such major goal all the activities performed in the different WPs have been performed keeping an horizontal view and approach, trying to break the vertical silos (WP) and always aiming at identifying unique and homogenous solutions.