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ECO-innovative Energy FACTory Management System based on enhanced LCA and LCCA towards resource-efficient manufacturing

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ECOFACT (ECO-innovative Energy FACTory Management System based on enhanced LCA and LCCA towards resource-efficient manufacturing)

Période du rapport: 2022-04-01 au 2023-09-30

The main objective of ECOFACT is to develop and demonstrate up to TRL 7 an ECO-innovative Energy FACTory Management platform based on improved dynamic LCA and LCCA towards holistic manufacturing sustainability. Focus is on the effective combination of ICTs for advanced data collection and processing, which enables a streamlined decision-making process within the production chain, also enhancing interoperability and flexibility to maximize the replication, upscaling and standardization potential within different plant sizes and manufacturing sectors.
ECOFACT will gather cutting-edge knowledge and experience from production processes, professional simulation tools as well as energy and resource planning standards, to develop and demonstrate an integrated approach, methodology and platform for boosting efficiency of both energy and material resources at factory level while the impact on the whole value chain is considered.
5 Scientific and Technological Objectives (STO), together with 3 Non-Technological Objectives (NTO) have been identified.
STO1: Enabling the integration of massive energy data into production management systems thanks to improved connectivity between the Information Technology and Operations Technology domains
STO2: Helping manufacturing operations and maintenance (O&M) staff to forecast problems, do better planning and improve performance in the use of (energy and material) resources thanks to a prognosis-based Energy and Resource Management System (ERMS).
STO3: Contributing to better control the environmental signature of manufacturing processes and supply chains, enabling green production and product design as a cost-saver and marketing tool for manufacturing businesses.
STO4: Development of practical guidelines (ECOFACT methodology) and user-centric tool (ECOFACT software platform) for holistic (process, energy, environment) sustainable manufacturing management supported by the combination of enabling smart ICTs.
STO5 | Demonstration of ECOFACT methodology and platform at TRL7 in 4 case studies across different manufacturing sectors.
NTO1: Providing inputs to new standardization, certification and regulation schemes on integrated, sustainable manufacturing management.
NTO2: Development of exploitation strategies for the validated ECOFACT approach and platform creating attractive business cases and fostering early replication.
NTO3: Dissemination, communication and capacity building
The results obtained are:
1.Testing of the smart hardware boxes
2.Establishment of local data acquisition platforms and start of data flow from the field level to the local data acquisition platforms
3.Energy- and ecology-related material in ARCELIK and TOFAS
4.Predictive maintenance optimization strategies from the cost-savings
5.Energy model for the AB must cooling system and using this model in the Optimizator tool integrated into the DTP
6.Optimization tool to increase the improve the average colour batch size in the intermediary staging area preceding the Top-Coat line in the TOFAS
7.Models and machine learning algorithms for (IEDbyP)
8.Algorithms for generation assets optimization with fixed demand profile and testing them with TOFAS data
9.Algorithms for flexibility management with variable demand profile and testing them with ARCELIK data
10.Algorithms for change over optimization and testing them with AB and GULLON data
12.Documentation functionalities of the DTP
13.Definition and implementation of 21 digital twin models
14.Definition of the communication architecture required for the supply collaboration service to be implemented in the ARCELIK
15.Definition of the requirements for performing dynamic LCA/LCC
16.Development of a multi-criteria decision-making methodology based on (AHP)
17.Testing the AHP methodology in the AB must cooling optimization use case where it is possible to perform the cooling balancing water consumption versus electricity consumption
18.LCA and LCC models needed to perform the dynamic calculations for the four demos
19.Sensitivity analyses to understand the LCA/LCC results
20.Platform data broker implementation with the development of the ECOFACT Common Knowledge and Data Repository
21.Definition of the set of REST API and Definition of the DSS functionalities and technologies to be implemented
22.Preliminary implementation of DSS rules
23.User Interface of the ECOFACT platform
24.Analysis of the cyber-security requirements
25.Validation tests at pre-demonstration facilities
1. Smart data collection in manufacturing environments: A connection of all levels of the automation pyramid to the IIoT infrastructure will be realized so that an overall monitoring and optimizing of energy and resource can take place. Besides, the ECOFACT IIoT infrastructure will not only consider high-level threads but also security issues on the field level side. By adding an administration level in the network, new sensors will need to identify themselves and broken sensors (“babbling idiot”) will be taken out of the network.
2.- Industrial digital twin: ECOFACT will implement evolving digital profiles (digital twins) of demo factories considering an integrated view (energy + materials) across the entire project lifecycle conveying the right data to the different stakeholders and enabling a new way to explore factory processes and data-flow. It will combine OT and IT fields in an intelligent way to provide efficient solutions guaranteeing a secure data exchange.
3.- Energy disaggregation analytics: ECOFACT will adapt the concept and methodologies designed for the domestic market to accommodate the industrial needs of energy disaggregation providing the capacity to operate as much as possible online. Cutting-edge Deep Machine Learning techniques will be used. ECOFACT will help not only optimize Industrial energy assets and achieve energy savings but also to detect potential equipment malfunction before further deterioration causes more significant issues.
4.- Supply chain collaboration (SCC) service: ECOFACT SCC service will establish a bidirectional flow of environmental and economic information between suppliers and producers, paving the way towards further optimization of the production processes along the value chain. ECOFACT aims to speed up collaboration ability through a technology-enabled collaboration, speeding up environmental impact information flow and reducing redundant and non-value-added tasks that can be replaced with real-time information to all parties in the chain.
5.- Dynamic LCA/LCCA open-source toolkit: Factors for dynamic LCA/LCCA are focused on economic aspects and most studies are only at concept stage. The information on these topics is still scarce and no real application exists. ECOFACT will tackle this problem from a practical approach, providing a fully functional tool to be implemented in real industrial processes.
6.- Holistic management platform for sustainable manufacturing: ECOFACT will enable the integration of massive energy data into production management systems thanks to improved connectivity. Besides, it will develop and demonstrate an eco-innovative energy management platform based on improved dynamic LCA and LCCA towards holistic manufacturing sustainability, thus providing an integral, flexible service that combines and enhance the benefits separately provided by currently existing tools and platforms.
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