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Innovative high performance Alloys and Coatings for HIghly EFficient intensive energy processes

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ACHIEF (Innovative high performance Alloys and Coatings for HIghly EFficient intensive energy processes)

Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2022-03-31

The ACHIEF project is developing a novel Integrated Artificial Intelligence aided Materials Toolbox with the aim to propose innovative and adapted high performance materials and protective coatings. The main ambition of ACHIEF is to produce four types of new materials: WPDC coatings with improved high-temperature corrosion and erosion resistance; Advanced Cr-steels grade with 15% improved creep resistance and higher temperature corrosion resistance; Innovative high-temperature and creep resistance materials based on HESAs models; and High-performance coatings based on HEA-nanocomposites.
In a more advanced framework, the developed materials will be implemented in industrial environments to demonstrate their performance. The uses cases will be in CONSTELLIUM (France), ArcelorMittal (Spain), and Tüpraş (Turkey). Finally, the innovative solutions to be developed in the ACHIEF project will improve energy efficiency by 20%, reduce the CO2 emissions by 20%, and increase the lifetime of the equipment of more than 20%.
Despite the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACHIEF consortium has joined forces to achieve the main objectives established during the first period. Initial steps to start the project were to characterise (e.g. temperatures, chemical environment, etc) and define the specifications of the different industrial uses cases where the novel materials will be integrated in the last stage.
In parallel, based on the existing materials database, the consortium created the artificial intelligence aided toolbox that generated data of candidate materials to answer to the different challenges that the industrial use cases will bring. The working method followed was the same for the three categories of material. First enrich the database based on literature, then train the models and validate the method of selection using "stallions" materials. Then it has been possible to generate 3D materials simulations to predict theorically materials behviour under the use case environment conditions.
In addition, it was developed: PDC coatings, HESAs models and Cr-steels candidates at lab scale to be fully characterised afterwards. On the same line, the industrial use case conditions were also reproduced at lab scale in order to test the novel materials in this representative environment with the aim of evaluating their performance. Results at labsacle are convincing. The current challenge is now to define the industral process to produce and apply materials and coating at larger scale and on bigger sufaces, that add edge constraints.
Finally, the consortium has also worked on designing sensors to have the most precise evaluation of the materials behaviors and evolution over time based on the environment where they will be located. The high temperature of industrial environements require a robust system monting. The close collaboration between industrials and sensor producer helps to face this technical challenge.
With the aim of raising awareness of the project, during the first period of the project the ACHIEF results and progress have been published on the project and partners’ website as well as social media account.
During the first period of the ACHIEF project, the consortium has created a new Artificial Intelligence-based design of Multicomponent alloys and PDC coatings. On the other hand, the consortium has also developed models to predict and simulate the materials behavior with the aim of finding new and better material solutions. Based on the current situation, the existing commercialised materials do not meet the specifications imposed by industrial environments.
The ACHIEF innovative solution aims to develop novel materials with performant properties that will be used in different industries requiring a very resistant material to withstand harsh conditions. For the first type of material: High Entropy Super Alloys it is required that they have a better resitance in high temperature environment and a capacity of distortion to reduce the creep strain rate. Concerning the Polymer Devired Ceramic there is no material available on the market able to answer to the requirements of petrochemical and aluminum industries. Two formulations with promising results were developped at labscale. Four novel Chromium steel grades were produced at lab scale: they show improvement in term of tensile properties and hardness compared to the existing one. The last material HESA will be developped combining the high temperature resistance of the HESA matrix with the hardness and wear resistance of the nano-reinforcement. The last axis of reasearch and innovation of ACHIEF lies in the sensors developped to be integrated in extrem industrial environment. So a new approach was followed for the preparation of metal coated FBG-sensors, which could lead to a new commercial approach for the availability of metal-coated FBG sensors.
Thermal Treatment equipment at Lab scale for optimized Cr-steels
a) coatings on steel substrate for HCl environment b) coating based on Boron Nitride c) spray tests
HESA atomised by VTT, deposited using DED-LB process and PBF process
Fibre optic sensors with a gold coating