Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ZABIO (The first green, non-toxic antifouling agent for sealants, coatings and paints to transform the construction and marine industries)
Reporting period: 2022-10-01 to 2023-03-31
Since the transfer of the production strain to upscaling within the ZABIO project, further strain engineering has been performed, focusing on bottlenecks in the production host and on the yield of the process, which ultimately is going to improve the economy of the process in a follow-up scaling campaign.
• Innovative sustainable production of ZA-bio: CYSBIO’s proprietary Sulfation Technology Platform employs novel recombinant host cells for accelerated natural synthesis in titers and yields that are commercially economic and attractive.
This has been satisfied, while there is still room for improvements in key fermentation parameters, which in turn will benefit the economy and the purification process. The last period of the project made it possible to demonstrate strain performance at the expected yield and titer levels sufficient for economic production, though the upscaling and downstream process work still needs some further work after the project has finalized in order to deliver the fully ready production process. The project team expect a ready production method with acceptable economics to be achievable within one year from end of the project, making it realistic to reach production in 2024 as originally planned.
• Upscaling of ZA-bio manufacturing by fermentation: BBEPP’s deep experience and facilities enables 1) de-risked upscaling of fermentation processes to 15 m3 within 2 years, and 2) develop an efficient and solvent free downstream product purification process compatible with large scale production. Such expertise has as expected accelerate ZA-bio to market as the first 100% bio-based effective and economical antifouling agent.
The fermentation process has been upscaled to 15 m3, however, with lower performance and therefore lower end titer than in the smaller scales. Samples have been taken for further analysis and they have contributed to the understanding of the process. The downstream process has an unsatisfying yield, product definition and product color, and the scaling up to commercial scale would require further studies and more process work, which will be initiated after the project ends.
• Testing and modification of ZA-bio for product integration: For HENKEL, this opportune ZABIO collaboration allows first mover advantage for entering the market with first 100% bio-based antifouling agent. HENKEL can leverage state-of-art facilities to test and modify the ZA-bio compound to be compatible with non-water-based silicone and acrylate technologies according to current product specifications, guaranteeing market access. Based on the last testing results this is however not reaching efficacy levels that currently will allow commercialization. Because of these final project results the focus of ZA-bio has shifted to the alternative spin-off markets: antifouling for ship paint, bio-fungicide applications and other uses where the antimicrobial/antifouling efficacy has proven effective and promising.
• Spin-off potential: the unique mechanical antifouling mechanism of action allows safe use of ZA-bio in many industries, particularly agriculture as a bio-alternative to pesticides, in healthcare and food as an antimicrobial agent, and pharmaceuticals and supplements for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Unique and novel chemical properties of conductivity and heat resistance would allow ZA-bio to be used as monomer for breakthrough polymers with applications in ion-exchange membranes, fuel cells and even battery technology. Together these markets exceed €10 billion in total value, and a realistic long-term business potential for ZA-bio is above €1 billion, even if just 2-3 of these markets open up as expected.