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SinGLe Sign-on eGovernAnce paradigm based on a distributed file exchange network for Security, transparency, cost effectiveness and truSt


WaaS Challenges and SotA reports - b

This deliverable will outline the challenges, the research problems and the scientific directions addressed in WP4, along with the SotA report that will be the baseline for the design and development of the first prototypes.

Acceptance rates and report analysis

This deliverable aims to report the findings from the questionnaires, interviews and all the interactive procedures of T7.4 which targets to gather information related to users acceptance and adoption rates.

GLASS EU legal framework

The law and policy framework to be considered for the establishment of the eGovernance model based on the finding of the analysis of T22

GLASS progress reports including quality and risk management

The report will include current progress versus objectives, results achieved and planned actions per WP, dissemination activities, as well as potential deviations in relation to the original work plan and corrective measures. The report will also include methods related to risk analysis, monitoring and mitigation and report on the results and conclusions of the risk management and quality assurance methods used.

Use Cases definition & End-user Requirements Analysis

This deliverable will document the usecase and user requirements of GLASS

Summary of Standardisation, and Harmonisation actions

This deliverable describes and summarises the project activities in standard development and engagement.

SotA Report & GLASS legal framework

This deliverable includes a thorough analysis on the solutions best practises and best of breed technological methodologies for eGovernment and eGovernance models at an international level

WaaS Challenges and SotA reports - a

This deliverable will outline the challenges the research problems and the scientific directions addressed in WP4 along with the SotA report that will be the baseline for the design and development of the first prototypes

dapp Ecosystem Specifications

This deliverable will record the requirements and the framework that developers will need to create compatible dapps with the GLASS infrastructure.

Interim Report on Dissemination & Communication Plan

This deliverable will describe the dissemination and communication activities up to M12 and highlight updates and modifications to the initial plan including plans for workshops This will include KPI monitoring

Project management manual

A management plan that will consist of a list with all the responsibilities of each partner templates and set of documentation for the management process quality checks and procedures for all deliverables and the internal and external review processes

Operational guidelines and evaluation criteria

This deliverable provides the details on the operational functionalities giving the guidelines that support the technical maintenance of each individual module alongside with the technical and operational evaluation guidelines.

Final Report on Dissemination & Communication Plan

This deliverable will describe the dissemination and communication activities from M13 to M36, including workshops. It will also compare actual performance to expected KPIs. The training programs and workshops will be detailed and the outcomes, attendees and content will be reported. This final report will include a summary of contributions of the Advisory Board and complete minutes of any Advisory Board meetings during the project lifetime.

Legal- Ethical issues and Guidelines - a

An initial draft a before the kick off of the GLASS demonstration of the Legal and Ethics Manual will be prepared and issued to assure the ethical assurance the gender equality and the compliance with national and EU legislation

GLASS eGovernance Model white paper

The deliverable will present the operational eGovernance related whitepaper of the proposed framework in technical and operational aspects

Technical, Operational and Interoperability specifications

This deliverable presents the system specifications for all different componentsmodules of the GLASS overall solution including also the interoperability specifications These specifications will be refined after the first evaluation

GLASS eGovernance recommendations

The policy recommendation report will supplement the GLASS governance model (D2.4) and present the findings and results of the research and operational tested demonstrators to promote the advantages of such distributed governance modeling, towards its full adaptation.

Demonstration plan and testing protocols

D7.2 will provide a detailed demonstration plan for the demonstrators, the timelines and testing protocols based on the results presented on D3.1.

Government to ALL Specification list

This deliverable provides the full registry with the identified digital interactions their dependencies and their specification for the digitization of public services

Legal- Ethical issues and Guidelines - b

A final revised version of the Legal and Ethics Manual will be prepared and issued to assure the ethical assurance, the gender equality and the compliance with national and EU legislation.

System's architecture - b

This deliverable gives an overview and upgraded version of the general architecture of GLASS. Interfaces and hybrid integration methodologies will also be defined.

Heterogeneous Data structure types - Training sets -a

This deliverable comprises the data and documents collected to feed the neural network and initiate the learning process of the artificial neurons.

"Proof of ""ID"" protocol & Privacy-Aware Framework"

This deliverable will provide an extended SotA report along with the developed consensus function that will operate to ensure the consensus on GLASS ledger. Alongside , it delivers the GLASS seamless and secure multi-sided identity and data management module and the compliance control mechanics.

Dissemination and Communication Plan & Website

This deliverable will describe the detailed plan for the project dissemination and exploitation strategy to be adopted throughout the projects lifetime and it will define the plan with which the different stakeholder communities will be targeted as well as the establishment of the project website along with the social media which will be used This will include management procedures for interacting with the Advisory Board

System's architecture - a

This deliverable gives an overview and upgraded version of the general architecture of GLASS Interfaces and hybrid integration methodologies will also be defined

Heterogeneous Data structure types - Training sets -b

This deliverable is the final version of D6.4.

Data Management Plan

This deliverable will provide the plan for managing the data generated and collected during the project


A Decentralised Persistent Identification Layer for DCAT Datasets

Auteurs: Fabian Kirstein; Anton Altenbernd; Sonja Schimmler; Manfred Hauswirth
Publié dans: Crossref, Numéro 1, 2022
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.1145/3543873.3587589

GLASS: Towards Secure and Decentralized eGovernance Services using IPFS

Auteurs: Chrysoulas, Christos; Thomson, Amanda; Pitropakis, Nikolaos; Papadopoulos, Pavlos; Lo, Owen; Buchanan, William J.; Domalis, George; Karacapilidis, Nikos; Tsakalidis, Dimitris; Tsolis, Dimitris
Publié dans: ESORICS 2021 International Workshops, 2021
Éditeur: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2109.08566

GPT-2C: A GPT-2 parser for Cowrie honeypot logs

Auteurs: Setianto, Febrian; Tsani, Erion; Sadiq, Fatima; Domalis, Georgios; Tsakalidis, Dimitris; Kostakos, Panos
Publié dans: ASONAM '21: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and MiningNovember 2021, 2021
Éditeur: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2109.06595

Privacy-preserving and Trusted Threat Intelligence Sharing using Distributed Ledgers

Auteurs: Ali, Hisham; Papadopoulos, Pavlos; Ahmad, Jawad; Pitropakis, Nikolaos; Jaroucheh, Zakwan; Buchanan, William J.
Publié dans: Crossref, Numéro 15, 2022
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.1109/sin54109.2021.9699366

a parser for honeypot logs using large pre-trained language models

Auteurs: Setianto, F. (Febrian); Tsani, E. (Erion); Sadiq, F. (Fatima); Domalis, G. (Georgios); Tsakalidis, D. (Dimitris); Kostakos, P. (Panos)
Publié dans: Crossref, Numéro 16, 2021
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.1145/3487351.3492723

A Trustable and Interoperable Decentralized Solution for Citizen-Centric and Cross-Border eGovernance: A Conceptual Approach

Auteurs: George Domalis; Nikos Karacapilidis; Dimitris Tsakalidis; Anastasios Giannaros
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Electronic Government (EGOV 2021), 2021
Éditeur: Arxiv
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2103.15458

GLASS: Towards Secure and Decentralized eGovernance Services Using IPFS

Auteurs: Christos Chrysoulas; Amanda Thomson; Nikolaos Pitropakis; Pavlos Papadopoulos; Owen Lo; William J. Buchanan; George Domalis; Nikos Karacapilidis; Dimitris Tsakalidis; Dimitris Tsolis
Publié dans: Computer Security. ESORICS 2021 International Workshops ISBN: 9783030954833, Numéro 3, 2021
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95484-0_3

PyDentity: A playground for education and experimentation with the Hyperledger verifiable information exchange platform

Auteurs: Will Abramson; Pavlos Papadopoulos; Nikolaos Pitropakis; William J. Buchanan
Publié dans: Software Impacts, Numéro 1, 2021, ISSN 2665-9638
Éditeur: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.simpa.2021.100101

GLASS: A Citizen-Centric Distributed Data-Sharing Model within an e-Governance Architecture

Auteurs: Owen Lo; William J. Buchanan; Sarwar Sayeed; Pavlos Papadopoulos; Nikolaos Pitropakis; Christos Chrysoulas
Publié dans: Sensors; Volume 22; Numéro 6; Pages: 2291, Numéro 1, 2022
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.3390/s22062291

The Future of Integrated Digital Governance in the EU: EBSI and GLASS

Auteurs: Buchanan, William J; Abubakar, Mwarwan; Lo, Owen; Chrysoulas, Christos; Pitropakis, Nikolaos; Papadopoulos, Pavlos; Sayeed, Sarwar; Sel, Marc
Publié dans: arXiv, Numéro 11, 2023
Éditeur: -
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2212.03218

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