Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PeroxyPro (Secure, safe, sustainable and affordable on-site generation of Hydrogen Peroxide)
Reporting period: 2021-07-01 to 2022-06-30
Our goal is to disrupt today’s H2O2 production process and supply chain with PeroxyPro – the world’s first and only commercial technology solution for the on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide through direct electrochemical synthesis. PeroxyPro will use only water, electricity and air as inputs, and will output a high-purity, safe H2O2 solution directly on site. PeroxyPro will secure consumable-free supply of a highly effective biocide and oxidizer in critical applications; will displace centralized, GHG and toxic-waste intensive production, with an eco-friendly, zero-emission and zero-waste, distributed generation process; and will replace a hazardous and costly supply chain with on-demand, safe generation directly at the point of use.
This project has successfully taken PeroxyPro from TRL 6 to full commercialization in the Water Safety market segment. Key achievements in line with work plan:
• Ran customer trials spanning two key water safety applications – Advanced Oxidation, and pathogen control, together with marketing-leading water technology firms. We further expanded original scope in water safety towards livestock drinking water with Aco Funki, and human drinking water with MatiTech.
• Substantially enhanced our core technology and know-how, and were granted a patent.
• Scaled up and industrialized our design towards commercialization, and set up commercial production line in new facilities.
• Secured US EPA “Pesticide device” determination.
• Secured channel partnerships with leading water technology firms
• Secured first commercial sales through the above, and commissioned first commercial systems. PeroxyPro is now commercially treating human drinking water in Sweden for Trace Organic Compounds, will soon be utilized commercially towards safety of human drinking water in South African mines, and is providing water safety for livestock drinking water in Denmark, South East Asia, and the US. All this has been achieved throughout the project duration, and it is only the beginning …
Tested and validated our technology solution in 2 pilot sites for the mitigation of water-borne pathogens, and successfully converted these pilot sites to paying customers
Tested and validated our technology solution in 3 pilots sites for chemical-input free UV/ peroxide Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), together with global water technology firms.
Scaled up our technology towards larger-scale applications in municipal and industrial water treatment.
Industrialized and cost-down our design.
Secured our first patent, and applied for a patent on our next-generation electrochemical cell technology.
Achieved commercialization, secured channel partnerships, and secured first PeroxyPro sales