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Breath analysis sensor for disease detection in the dairy industry

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BREATHSENS (Breath analysis sensor for disease detection in the dairy industry)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-06-30

The BREATHSENS project explored the feasibility of a novel sensor for illness detection to be applied in the dairy industry. Diagnosing illness in dairy farms still rely at present on farmer observation and veterinary visits which are costly and inefficient. The approach taken in BREATHSENS is a non-invasive and automated spectroscopic sensor applied on breath, so that illness in individual cows can be detected well before clinical symptoms show up. As a proof of concept, the first illness target is ketosis, which is a common metabolic deficiency that causes estimated losses of more than €1.9 billion per year for the EU dairy farming industry. The continuous monitoring and early ketosis detection would enable timely preemptive action by simply adjusting feed that would prevent disease progression. Several sensor modalities and prototypes were developed and tested in the laboratory during the project. In addition, a market and stakeholder analysis was carried out to seek the feasibility of a sustainable business around the concept. This engagement showed great interest among stakeholders including farmers, farm automation manufacturers, investors, and the greater public. However, it is clear that much more development is still needed in technology readiness in order to provide robust and dependable sensors for field applications. The goal of providing an automated illness sensor remains of socioeconomic relevance in view of the adverse impact of extensive animal farming on the environment. The improved efficiency promised by such technology will drive down economic costs and minimize environmental emissions, but also importantly ensure a better quality of life for the healthy farm animals.