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Addressing vaccine hesitancy in Europe

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Country-specific Policy briefs in Country-specific synthesis in Target Region language

Countryspecific Policy briefs in Countryspecific synthesis in Target Region language

Implementation analysis report
Synthesis report on a novel intervention targeted at healthcare professionals
Country reports on media analysis
Common coding book for media analysis
Research Information Handout for interviewees and observed participants of research to be distributed in printed or electronic format by researchers

Research Information Handout for interviewees and observed participants of research to be distributed in printed or electronic format by researchers Handouts will be prepared in language and terms intelligible to the participants The Handouts will contain contact details of the Data Protection Officer at TAU

A Consensus Statement from experts and stakeholders on recommendations targeted to address vaccine hesitancy at the European level
Guidelines for the performing of team ethnography
Newsletter and press release

Due dates in M8 M10 M18 M31 and M36

Consortium Guideline for data collection, storage, sharing and publication

Consortium Guideline for data collection, storage, sharing and publication. The deliverable shall include:- Description of the anonymization techniques that will be implemented for observations and interviews (including video-recording). - An explicit confirmation that each beneficiary has lawful basis for the data processing and that the appropriate technical and organizational measures are in place to safeguard the rights of the data subjects for the further processing of previously collected personal data (i.e. mass media).

Cross-country synthesis report for the interventions phase, including specific recommendations for the intervention phase

Crosscountry synthesis report for the interventions phase including specific recommendations for the intervention phase

Policy Briefs with country specific recommendations to deal with vaccine hesitancy
A report of the relevant macro- level factors impacting vaccine hesitancy. Special attention will be devoted to the situation in the Target regions (cf. Task 2.2.)

A report of the relevant macro level factors impacting vaccine hesitancy Special attention will be devoted to the situation in the Target regions cf Task 22

A review report of existing data (cf. Task 2.1).

A review report of existing data cf Task 21 The review is targeted at summarizing existing information and identifying gaps in knowledge The review will cover national reports recommendations and assessments strategies and action plans for vaccinations and academic publications on vaccine hesitancy

A report of the individual-level factors impacting vaccine hesitancy according to relevant macro-level factors

A report of the individuallevel factors impacting vaccine hesitancy according to relevant macrolevel factorsSpecial attention will be devoted to the situation in the Target regions and the results will be used to develop hypotheses and suggestions for action in interventions of WP5

Country comparative report

Country comparative report on media analysis

Final assessment report
Guidelines for intervention methodologies
Sampling guidelines and interview guide for the hesitant parents
Evaluability assessment report
Country-specific synthesis of the qualitative studies including ethnography and in- depth interviews with parents and healthcare professionals

Countryspecific synthesis of the qualitative studies including ethnography and indepth interviews with parents and healthcare professionals in English

A Policy Report with recommendations on the best strategies to deal with vaccine hesitancy at the European and country level
Guidelines for exploitation action to medical and nursing students
Evaluators training manual
Guidelines for the implementation of the intervention targeted at healthcare professionals agreed upon by members of the consortium
Country reports on the intervention developed and implemented in Target Regions
Ethics information sheet for local research ethics committees
Guidelines for results dissemination
Consent form

A consent form for interviewees and observed participants of research This consent form will be used to gain written consent from all individuals who participate in the research The deliverable will include description of informed consent procedures to be implemented It will contain the informed consent forms in language and terms intelligible to the participants The templates for informed consent forms and information sheets will be kept on file and made available for the Commission if requested

Sampling guidelines and interview guide for the healthcare professionals
Final conference


Trust matters: The Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe Study

Published in: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Issue 21, 2024, ISSN 1651-1905
Publisher: Sage Journals
DOI: 10.1177/14034948231223791

Healthcare professionals’ discursive constructions of parental vaccine hesitancy: a tale of multiple moralities.

Author(s): Lermytte, E., Bracke, P., Ceuterick, M.
Published in: Qualitative Health Research, Issue Accepted for publication, 2024, ISSN 1049-7323
Publisher: SAGE Publications

A call for immediate action to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake to prepare for the third pandemic winter

Author(s): Cornelia Betsch; Philipp Schmid; Pierre Verger; Stephan Lewandowsky; Anna Soveri; Ralph Hertwig; Angelo Fasce; Dawn Holford; Paul De Raeve; Arnaud Gagneur; Pia Vuolanto; Tiago Correia; Lara Tavoschi; Silvia Declich; Maurizio Marceca; Athena Linos; Pania Karnaki; Linda Karlsson; Amanda Garrison
Published in: Nature Communications, Issue Vol 13, Iss 1,, 2022, Page(s) Pp 1-6, ISSN 2041-1723
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.31234/

Touching the cornerstone: An illustrative example of the effects of stigma and discrimination on vaccine-hesitant parents

Author(s): Mendonça, Joana; Hilario, Ana Patricia
Published in: Public Health in Practice, Issue 6, 2023, ISSN 2666-5352
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.puhip.2023.100438

Recruiting a Hard-to-Reach, Hidden and Vulnerable Population: The Methodological and Practical Pitfalls of Researching Vaccine-Hesitant Parents

Author(s): Ana Patrícia Hilário; Alice Scavarda; Dino Numerato; Joana Mendonça; Mario Cardano; Jaroslava Marhankova; Luigi Gariglio; Pia Vuolanto; Alistair Anderson; Petra Auvinen; Piet Bracke; Tom Douglass; Pru Hobson-West; Esther Lermytte; Paulina Polak; Tadeusz Rudek
Published in: Qualitative Health Research, Issue 32, 2023, ISSN 1049-7323
Publisher: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/10497323231196439

Agency in urgency and uncertainty. Vaccines and vaccination in European media discourses

Author(s): Wagner; Polak; Rudek; Świątkiewicz- Mośny; Anderson; Bockstal; Gariglio; Marhanková; Hilario, Ana Patricia; Pru, Hobson-West; Chatti Iorio, Juliana; Kuusipalo, Aappo; Numerato, Dino; Scavarda, Alice; Silva, Pedro Alcântara da; Moura, Eva Soares; Vuolanto, Pia
Published in: Social Science & Medicine, Issue 2, 2024, ISSN 0277-9536
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116725

A Team Ethnography on Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe: A Case Study of a Local Truth Construction

Author(s): Cardano, Mario; Numerato, Dino; Gariglio, Luigi; Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava; Scavarda, Alice; Bracke, Piet; Hilario, Ana Patricia; Polak, Paulina
Published in: Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Issue 4, 2023, Page(s) 615-642, ISSN 0486-0349
Publisher: Sociologia Editrice il Mulino
DOI: 10.1423/112399

Countering vaccine hesitancy: a systematic review of interventions to strengthen healthcare professionals' action

Author(s): Lo Moro, G., Ferrara, M., Langiano, E., Accortanzo, D., Cappelletti, T., De Angelis, A., Esposito, M., Prinzivalli, A., Sannella, A., Sbaragli, S., Vuolanto, P., Siliquini, R., & De Vito, E.
Published in: European Journal of Public Health, Issue Volume 33, Issue 5, 2023, Page(s) 905–915, ISSN 1101-1262
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad134

Graphic medicine and its role to communicate research findings and create effective interventions with healthcare professionals

Author(s): Ana Patrícia Hilário & Joana Mendonça
Published in: The European Sociologist, Issue 48, 2023, ISSN 2415-6426
Publisher: European Sociological Association

Healthism vis-à-vis Vaccine Hesitancy: Insights from Parents Who Either Delay or Refuse Children’s Vaccination in Portugal

Author(s): Mendonça, Joana; Hilario, Ana Patricia
Published in: Societies, Issue Vol 13, Iss 8, 2023, Page(s) 184, ISSN 2075-4698
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/soc13080184

Researching childhood vaccine hesitancy in the wake of COVID-19

Author(s): Alistair Anderson; Tom Douglass; Pru Hobson-West
Published in: Vaccine: X, Issue 16, 2024, ISSN 2590-1362
Publisher: Oxford Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvacx.2024.100450

Sairaanhoitajien, terveydenhoitajien ja kätilöiden suhtautuminen rokotteisiin

Author(s): Nurmi, Johanna; Vuolanto, Pia; Järvinen, Katri-Maria
Published in: Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, Issue 60, 1, 2023, Page(s) 23-37, ISSN 0355-5097
DOI: 10.23990/sa.111097

Trust and the public vaccine debate in Finland before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Aapo Kuusipalo, Johanna Nurmi, Katri-Maria Järvinen, Pia Vuolanto
Published in: Vaccine hesitancy in the Nordic countries, 2024, Page(s) 109-124, ISBN 9781003305859
Publisher: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003305859

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