CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Report including final ranking list of the selected projects final scores and qualitative assessment per evaluation criterion per each received bid minutes of the evaluation meeting copy of contract award notice CAN that the project has published in the OJEU information on the total number of bids received in particular the data of the winning tenderers andabstracts of the winning tenders
PCP CONTRACT AWARD NOTICEContract award notice informing interested operators about the outcome of a tender to be published in OJEU
EVALUATION INFORMATION PUBLISHABLE (PHASE 1)Short summary publishable of the received tenders for PCP and the results of the exclusion and evaluation process
Wide dissemination through differents channels of dissemination materials
PROMOTION MATERIALS FOR THE OMCWide dissemination through dissemintation channels of dissemination materials
PROJECT WEBSITEThe project website will be launched in M3. Before, a simple landing-page will be released in M2. The management of the website will be backed up by a comprehensive social media strategy assessing the most efficient networks to reach the targets (including Twitter and LinkedIn). The existing social network channels of the partners will be exploited to enhance engagement with their existing stakeholder's communities around TIQUE. Dedicated social media campaigns and other engagement initiatives involving the civil society at EU level will be designed in conjunction with dedicated events and to promote project's outputs.
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