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Intraveneously injected unusual nanoparticles in the clinic

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Unusual-IV (Intraveneously injected unusual nanoparticles in the clinic)

Reporting period: 2021-08-01 to 2023-01-31

Imaging agents are a difficult market to penetrate, in part due to the difficult and unclear regulatory requirements. In this project, we are building on previous developments by Cenya Imaging BV on the use to imaging agents for in vivo cell tracking, to explore and develop applications involving direct use of the imaging agent intravenously.

We focus on nanotech-based imaging agents for clincial and preclinical use. Our GMP agents are multimodal, and work with 19F MRI, fluorescence, ultrasound, MSOT and photoacoustic imaging, both in clinical trials and in preclincial studies. For purely preclinical research, we can also add PET or SPECT functionality.