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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-16

Wave Scattering in Unbounded Domains:Operator Algebra and Limit Operator techniques


The project will be concerned with the mathematics of wave scattering by unbounded surfaces and inhomogeneous regions, and with the propagation of waves through unbounded inhomogeneous regions.

Problems of this type arise widely in engineering applications and include radar wave scattering by ground and sea surfaces, propagation of acoustic and elastic (seismic) waves through the atmosphere, ocean, and earth, and scattering problems arising in electromagnetic optics, including the design of photonic crystals, and diffractive optical devices.

The objectives of the proposal are to develop theories of the invertibility and Fredholm properties of operator equations on unbounded domains, to apply these methods to obtain existence, uniqueness and stability results for concrete wave scattering problems, and to develop effective numerical methods for operator equations on unbounded domains.


Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data