The project concerns the environment for the implementation of open, interoperable and equitable conditional access systems. In an equitable approach the management of the scrambling keys is achieved through the use of Trusted Third Parties (TTP). The proposed solution relies on public key cryptography and on secure software downloading into security modules. The protocols use public key cryptography developments to provide both high security and interoperability. This solution must be compliant with the new standards or recommendations. Infrastructure implementing the protocols is developed, enabling certification, privacy, consumer and service provider protection. The security of the cryptographic and communication protocols is validated with Lotos. The specifications describe functionality of the modules for each actor: user, service provider, TTPs together with guidelines to their implementation. Instances of these modules are then implemented within trials. This allows on the ground test of the solution. The new developments in conditional access systems interoperability suggest that the next step would probably be the download of part or whole of a system. This solution is studied deeply, analysing the hardware requirements, the logical security means for the service provider protection, and the integration in the actual protocols. The project has completed its preliminary version of a conditional access system based on a DAVIC compliant platform and on image processing (IP) connection to certification authorities. The Internet simulator for TTP based on conditional access is now operational, and the test bed for OKAPI kernel evaluation is set up on a Campus Net.