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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-07

Team-based European Automotive Manufacture

Résultats exploitables

The project introduces key players in the automotive supply chain to the concepts and benefits of advanced communications and collaborative-working technologies The project has developed an initial Common View Model which reflects the aspirations of users in terms of communications, applications and organizational needs. The communication requirements for applications have been specified to ensure affordable networks offering a good cost/benefit ratio and at the same time respecting bandwidth and quality of service requirements. The network design and implementation are to match the latest outputs from standard bodies. As part of the user requirements, special attention is being given to security and confidentiality issues. Collaboration with local national hosts forms an integral part of the evaluation strategy. The application profile (including Product Library, Decision Support, Multimedia Conferencing and Multimedia Messaging) and user interface are being developed taking into account current and emerging technologies and different viewing and conversion tools. Work to date has reinforced the view that project offers great potential benefits to the European automotive industry in the areas of Virtual Teamworking across the whole supply chain, including: high level of user satisfaction on applications and quality of service; a set of results based both on asynchronous transmission mode (ATM)-wide area network (WAN) trials and Euro-integrated services digital network (ISDN) trials; economic assessment of broadband trials and justification of evolution path to ATM; feedback from small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) on applications and services, and their future implementation strategy; results of investigation into impact on organization and working practices.

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