Summary : 1. SETECS W@llet is a simple software for secure consumer payments and for corporate business financial transactions performed over the Internet network It is easy to install, configure and use. Users may register with their bank and purchase on Internet at the press of a button. The W@llet is used in combination with most popular browsers. Since the W@llet is implemented as Java application, it may be customized, extended or integrated with other specific software modules and legacy applications (back-office, order processing, inventory systems) for various secure business transactions.
SETECS W@llet may be used by private cardholders for credit card purchases as well as by corporate persons for business payment transactions, even if the cardholder's bank does not support SET transactions. It stores and handles credit card numbers, certificates, and security keys transparently to the user. It also supports additional secure financial transactions between the bank and the cardholder.
- Merch@nt Server is a complete SET commerce server which may be used to establish, manage, and run a secure electronic commerce business over the Internet. To cardholders it provides safe, friendly, and easy to use interface for secure shopping via the Internet. For merchants the Server provides easy installation, administration, and maintenance procedures supporting all aspects of the purchase/payment process with customers and secure financial transactions with banks and payment gateways.
Merch@nt Server is also connected to the SETECS M@ll Server for the registration in the global SETECS infrastructure for electronic commerce.
- P@yment G@ateway Server is a complete SET server for payment gateways, providing internal administration functions, external SET functions with banks and merchants, and the interface with the banking network for authorization and capturing of SET transactions. The Server is reliable, easy to install, administer and maintain and provides automatic interaction with merchants, either as single transactions or in the form of transaction batches.
P@yment G@teway Server handles individual and batch merchant transactions and inquiries.