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Content archived on 2024-05-07

Global architecture for multimedia action


The objective of the project is to create a satellite-based infrastructure that will allow the European and Japanese users to exploit the connectivity created for the development and trial of new applications. A further objective is to introduce non-GAMMA applications with a Europe-Japan aspiration to the use of the satellite network.
It is anticipated that satellite capacity will become available in April 1997 and will be continuously available on a 24 hour basis for at least one year. However, it is anticipated that the satellite will be needed for some months in mid 1998 and steps to realise this will be taken. The nominal date for termination of the work of GAMMA is end December 1998.
Expected Impact
The concept of the information superhighway has raised expectations amongst both users and providers of network applications. These expectations can only be effectively and economically met if we can overcome obstacles to the use of wide area broadband communications. The GAMMA project provides support to the resolution of these questions precisely because:
it is focused on the international aspect of interconnection agreements;
it will verify that applications can work transparently in a mixed terrestrial-satellite environment;
it will disseminate results widely to interested parties in the world of telecommunications and R&D.

Main contributions to the programme objectives:
Main deliverables
GAMMA used a satellite to connect European and Japanese researchers so that they could develop and test new applications over an ATM infrastructure.
Contribution to the programme
The global village is brought together by high speed connections over optical fibre or satellite links.
Technical Approach
GAMMA will create a facility that links various ACTS and Telematics Platforms as well as non-European Union sponsored multimedia applications to and from Japan by satellite. A European distribution network will be provided, based on a mix of satellite and terrestrial facilities. The emphasis of this work is on linking application sites in European locations and application sites in Japan, the facility will also however be used to link Canadian platforms to Japan via the CANTAT 3 cable and GAMMA, thereby achieving a single satellite hop connection to Japan.
Summary of Trial
Within the project itself the ISIS-TM project will use the link to Japan for bulk data interchange and database browsing. In another configuration and at an enhanced bitrate, it is planned that advanced teleconference services be trialed. A further use of the link will be the investigation advanced Internet protocols. Additionally the network will support tele-education, tele-medicine and virtual museum applications as well as another teleconference application and a multimedia trial using a combination of cable and satellite.
All the applications above are internal to GAMMA, but they only absorb a portion of the capacity provided by the project. The balance of capacity is in principle available to other users, although the terms will have to be discussed with the ESA co-ordinator.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Matra CAP Systemes
EU contribution
No data
6 rue Dewoitine

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (9)