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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-10

Digital interactive satellite terminal for master antenna systems in the third millennium

Résultats exploitables

SMIT is an Interactive Channel for Satellite Master Antenna Television users based on Satellite, using DVB-S Technology for the Forward Channel and a burst transmission for the Return Channel The S3M Project is developing an interactive system based on an open system design aiming at interoperability among different technologies and vendors. The satellite interaction channel provides a universal and distance-independent access with bandwidth resources flexibility. The sharing of infrastructures by the SMATV users guarantees a cost effective solution. The evolution to broadband access to information highways is facilitated by applying the achievements made by the S3M project. The S3M interaction channel is made up of two sections, Satellite and Coaxial. The coaxial section provides the bi-directional distribution network from the user to the Interactive SMATV Head-end using the lower part of the frequency band (15-35 MHz), and the satellite section establishes the connection between the SMATV Head-end and the Interactive Service Provider premises. On the user side, the Network Interface Unit (NIU) provides the functionality required for signal transmission (modulation, demodulation, channel coding, network access, etc.) through its interface and channel adapter called Interactive Interface Module. The Interactive head-end collects the interaction traffic from the users in a building in order to feed the Satellite Master Interactive Terminal (SMIT). The infrastructure's costs are shared among users connected to one or more SMATV networks. Users' requests are addressed to the interactive service provider through the satellite section. The provider will respond to the user by way of the multiplexing capabilities of the DVB-MPEG-2 Transport stream.

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