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Content archived on 2024-05-14

A Methodology for the Analysis of Rationality and Effectiveness of Prevention and Health Promotion Strategies


To develop a methodology for the analysis of health prevention and promotion strategies, their rationality and effectiveness on a comparative basis in six European countries. Based on "The Logic of Events" a process analysis will address both the policymakers and the population in respective countries to identify two pathogenic and two salutogenic policies each and their cross-European or national embeddedness.

The "Logic of Events" (von Wright 1977) suggests a process from (1) identification of a policy problem and goal, (2) the consideration of normative commitments and obligations, (3) the means and capabilities, (4) the situative possibilities, to (5) policy results and solution or non-solution of a policy problem with the potential that such process may be broken off at any time and in consideration of the above analytic points. Moreover, the process should be understood as a causal model with consistent feedbacks in between the five foci. This logic of events is to be identified for four individual policies (two pathogenic, two salutogenic) from the level of their formulation and enactment on the level of "legislative" and executive" policymakers to the population level in order to investigate and evaluate their effectiveness and their rationality. With regard to the latter one has to observe in health conduct on the population level whether in behavior and attitude indeed rationality is implied (i.e. a clear recognition of a specific policy) or whether people are just reasonable in their behavior without an understanding of the policy proper.
The project will be pursued via four sub-projects in each participating country: Two exploratory, open-ended surveys of 20 policymakers and a group of 20 population representatives, two semi-standardized (50 policymakers) and standardized (400 adults of each population) surveys, all to be analyzed comparatively in the Project-Center. It is to be carried out over a period of 24 months with a midterm and a final assessment, five workshops for preparation and analysis of respective steps plus continuous communication between the Project-Center in Chemnitz and the national participating units. The data and analysis of the four sub-projects will be substituted by aggregate data that are supposed to indicate policy effectiveness.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
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Total cost
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