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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-10

Earlier detection of metastases and early diagnosis of cancer with antibody derived molecules


The proposers of this exploratory award will overcome the problems in cancer of detecting monoclonal antibodies in immunoscintiatraphy with recombinant single chain antibodies an attached binding site binding the radioactive isotope Tc 99m. The binding affinity of the single chain fragments will be improved by increase of the affinity by genetic engineering. The posing SMEs will develop these diagnostic molecules as new pharmaceutical tools for IMAGINA. The single chain fragments will have a number of other options for diagnosis therapy of cancer. For example taking the radioactive isotope Rhenium instead of Tc 99m patients could be treated by radiotherapy. The targets of some of the antibodies will be z ratins as well as other tumour specific antigenes which have to be identified during the fee study. Some of the antibodies the partners have choosen have already been tested in F and showed a very specific binding. But the tumour to tissue ratio was too low and the pl cokinetics is too poor for the clinical use of the unmodified antibodies or their fraamen pharmacocinetcs will be improved by the single chain fragments and the affinity t will not be increased by attaching chelators to the protein, which was one of the major problems in t of monoclonal antibodies for immunoscintigraphy The goals of the project will be as follows:single chain fragments of at least 4 different antibodies single chain fragments with Tc 99m binding domain single chain fragments with high affinity binding site by increase of the affinity tumour to tissue ratio of more than 10 to delineate normal tissue from tumour tissue transchelation of Tc 99m lower than 2 %.


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Call for proposal

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ProBioGen GmbH
EU contribution
No data
5,Rudower Chaussee
12489 Berlin

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Total cost
No data

Participants (1)