The electrically heated oven is 150mm long and complete with exhaust fan (150cm diameter duct and 1.300m(3)/h of air) and baffle. It is double skinned and insulated with doors at each side for access. Circulating fans-with ductwork and baffles-control to air plenums under and over the fabric with nozzles 85-90mm from the substrate. Side bars and a centre “T” bar supports the fabric in the oven.
At the exit the laminating/capstan unit has a 2 roll nip, each 150mm diameter-rubber covered on the top and chromed and ground at the bottom-water cooled with rotary joints and flexible hoses. The pneumatically operated nip has 63mm diameter air cylinders to give 360kg pressure. A further water cooled chromed and ground roller is provided to act as an “S” wrap capstan. This is complete with an unwind station, flip flop bar, tension and tracking system.
The conveyor roller (prior to rewind) has a teflon sleeve to give the correct cloth line to the rubber strip covered 2 roll rewind station which has a maximum reel diameter of 650mm.
The complete drive system is in speed control with slipping clutch control to capstan and the one free standing control desk is connected to the machinery by a multi-axial cable complete with power on/off switch with indicator, line speed indicator, line stop/start, line increase/decrease speed, “E” stop and temperature controller with heating on/off.
The machinery is not only multi-functional but also flexible in material processing.
The total electrical power when installed is 50Kw and the air requirement is 6 bar-80 psi. Overall length is around 6.2 metres, width 1.648 metres, height 2.195 metres and weight 320kg. Speed is variable up to 50m/min depending upon materials and drying requirements.